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Dearest Daisy: A Tribute to a Good Cat • Peachy and Clementine
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Dearest Daisy: A Tribute to a Good Cat

Dearest Daisy

Last week you left us. I don’t know where you went or why you had to go away. All I know is that you left in your cat carrier and it came back empty. Mommy said you were very sick and that you had to go to the doctor. Why you didn’t come back I simply don’t understand.

Since you’ve been gone something has changed around here. Mommy tends to pause ever so slightly when she gets near the places you liked to sleep and her eyes appear a bit puffy. Daddy has been keeping busy with what I would consider trivial things. Kitty has been hanging around more often even though he continues to be terrified of me. Clementine seems to be the least affected except that she appears to be picking up on the strange vibe.

As for me, I’m trying to make sense of what has happened. I don’t want to ask too many questions because they seem to upset Mommy, while Daddy appears at a loss for words. I’ve been going about my regular routine to the best of my ability with the hope that soon I would see you again. With the passing of each day it feels as though this may be less likely.

Daisy the tabby cat
Where are you Daisy?

I miss you deeply. You were the best cat I have ever known and a true friend. Daisy was the second word I learned to say and I used to whisper your name in awe whenever you came near. You were the first animal I ever laid my hands on and I really miss petting your soft fur and telling you what a good cat you are.

I loved your bravery which you showed by allowing me to come near you even when you were afraid. Your patience with me was endless as I squished you with my hugs, ruffled your fur with my pets, and poked at your feet, ears, and tail. You were kind and gentle with everyone. Never have I seen you be cross or angry even when you had good reason to be upset. You, my sweet Daisy, have been the perfect cat.

One of my favourite things to do was feed you. I was forever asking Mommy for some dry cat food that I could give you. I loved the way you used to walk around under the table when I ate my dinner and tickle my feet. Mommy always told me not to throw food on the floor but I often managed to sneak you a piece of something when Mommy wasn’t looking. I really miss feeding you.

Peachy the toddler feeding Daisy her pet cat
Eat some food Daisy

I loved our game of follow the leader although I’m not sure you were always intending it to be a game. While you never ran away from me, you knew how to stay just out of reach with a steady gait. You would lead me in circles around the kitchen island and then head for the table knowing full well that it would take me much longer to navigate though the forest of chair legs. You were so clever that way.

Every day you did your rounds of the house, checking to make sure nothing was amiss and keeping us safe from dangers we humans are not able to perceive. Whenever I tried my hands at something new you wanted to investigate to make sure it wasn’t a threat. You liked to spend time looking out of all the windows to ensure all was well with the world and that no danger was on the horizon.

My dearest Daisy, I simply don’t know how I’ll manage without you. Where have you gone and why did you have to leave us? Wherever you are I hope that you are happy and that you know how loved you are. You are missed and you will not be forgotten. You are a good cat.

Tabby cat photo with painting filter
Daisy: A Good Cat

On September 13th our cat Daisy lost her battle with cancer. She was a wonderful cat and our beloved family pet. We will always remember our dearest Daisy. Goodbye old friend. Thank you for the memories.

16 thoughts on “Dearest Daisy: A Tribute to a Good Cat

  • Aw Daisy sounds a much loved member of the family. It is so sad to see a pet go, they leave a hole. #KCACOLS

    • admin

      It’s been difficult for all of us. Taking it one day at a time. Thanks for reading.

  • So sorry for your loss! Losing a pet is heart breaking, but a lovely read #KCACOLS

    • admin

      The more you love them the harder it is to lose them. Daisy has left a void in our hearts. Thanks for reading.

  • What a lovely tribute. Daisy sounds like she was a lovely little friend. My little girl would probably say exactly the same about our two furry friends. So sorry for your loss. #KCACOLS

    • admin

      She was wonderful and will be missed. Thank you.

  • So sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose a family pet. #KCACOLS

    • Thank you. It has been difficult.

  • Aw i’m so sorry to read this. We lost our cat Jerry on Sept 11th to heart disease. he was only 8. he was such a huge part of our lives, always into everything and i am just devastated by it all tbh. Our son had such a close relationship with him and i’m pretty sure Jerry was one of his first words too. I hope you’re doing ok, and your little one. it is just so sad. every day i come home and he isn’t there, it just sets me off again. massive hugs xx
    Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.

    • So sorry for your loss. I know that doesn’t really help. Nothing will. Maybe just time. I know what you mean about those little triggers. They become so much a part of our lives and routines that it’s hard to stop that expectation of them being there. It’s still a daily thing for us too.

  • Aw what a beautiful post. Our pets really do have such a huge part in our families don’t they? And they’re so, so good for our children too. So sorry. Hang on to those lovely memories x. #kcacols

    • Thank you. It has been difficult for all of us.

    • admin

      Thank you. It’s been a month and it is still very difficult. It’s going to take a long time to move on.

  • Awh we lot our cat a few weeks ago too. It’s heartbreaking she was 22 and been with me since uni 🙁 She’ll never be replaces. Losing a pet is the worst 🙁 #KCACOLS

    • admin

      So sorry for your loss. When my childhood cat passed away at the age of 20 I was devastated. We have no idea how old Daisy was as she was a stray that adopted us. She was very special. Thanks for visiting.


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