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Guest Post: 7 Tips to Clean Your Sofa • Peachy and Clementine

Guest Post: 7 Tips to Clean Your Sofa

A couch is a wonderful thing. It’s perfect for family snuggle time, a great place to watch tv, fun for tumbling around on, and it doubles as a bounce house. Home just wouldn’t be the same without our soft and comfy couches.

We get a lot of use out of our couches and it shows. You can see it in the stain where my ice cream dripped, the cracker crumbs that always seem to find their way into the crannies between the cushions, the crayon scribbles that didn’t want to be confined to paper, and the scuffs from that time when I forgot to take off my shoes before using the couch as a trampoline. These things can happen to the best of us.

Peachy on the couch
Cushy couch time!

With all the misfortunes that our couches seem to attract, it’s a wonder any of us are still willing to flop down on them after a long day. These comfy pieces of furniture are germ magnets and yet we snuggle up to them just about every day. Our couches, which we put our faces on, are among the most used and abused items in our home while also the least often to be thoroughly washed.

Once in a while Mommy and Daddy pull out the carpet washing machine and give the couches a good scrub with the upholstery attachment. It’s a long and tedious process that renders our couches not useable for about a day until they dry. This task is such a nightmare that it’s only done as a last resort.

The alternative to bringing out the carpet washing machine is spot cleaning as needed. Couch cleanup is an important part of our regular housekeeping routine. This week our guest post covers this topic with some easy tips on keeping those couches looking clean.

7 Short Tips to Effortlessly Clean Your Fabric Sofa

blue sofa

Clean and spotless sofas not only enhance your room decor but also keep your home germ free. Fabric sofas are cozy and the best place to cuddle up with your loved ones. But, the spills and stains can spoil the look of your sofas. Most people use covers for fabric sofas but you can clean it regularly if you do not use covers. Here are 7 tips to clean your fabric sofas, read on.

1. Use the cleaning tags

Your fabric sofas have cleaning tags that you should follow. ‘W’ means you can wash your sofa with water. ‘WS’ means you can wash your sofa with solvent cleaner and water. ‘S’ means you can only use a dry solvent to clean the sofa. ‘X’ means you just need to use a vacuum for cleaning.

2. Use a brush

Use a bristle brush that helps you to remove all the dirt and dust from the fabric sofa. A stiff brush can be helpful when there is no time to deep clean your fabric sofa. Use this brush in corners and other spots of your fabric sofa. This is the easiest way to clean your sofa.

3. Use a vacuum cleaner

vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaner is always handy for cleaning your sofa. Use a vacuum cleaner once every week to remove dust and debris from your fabric sofa. Always use a narrow attachment or hose attachment for cleaning your sofa. A vacuum cleaner helps to remove the long particles leaving your sofa spotlessly clean. If possible, use a full size vacuum cleaner for cleaning your fabric sofa.

4. Use a lint roller

Lint roller is handy if you have pets at home. Lint roller helps to remove pet hair on the sofa that even an ordinary cleaner cannot. Simply roll this in a systematic direction on your fabric sofa. Cover the whole area so that you remove all the dirt and pet hair from the fabric. You can use this roller once every week for sofa cleaning.

5. Use a dry cleaning solution

Don’t go by the name, this type of solution does not have water so you can use it to clean your fabric sofas. Just follow the instructions on the solution bottle to clean your fabric sofa in the most convenient way. The dry cleaning solution may be available at a local grocery store. If it’s not available, you can buy the product online. Use this solution once or twice a month for cleaning your fabric sofa.

6. Use vinegar

vinegar and baking soda

Use vinegar to remove stains from fabric sofa. Mix a part of vinegar and add warm water to make a solution. Now, use this solution to remove stubborn stains from your fabric sofa. Work on it quickly or else there might be discoloration.

7. Use baking soda

You can simply remove odor and smell from your sofa using baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda on your sofa and leave it for some time. Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove the baking soda. This will give a new look to your sofa.

This is a guest posts from Adriana Smith.

Adriana Smith is a creative writer by profession and hobby, currently working as a content executive at cleaning services nj. She aspires to help her readers get the best home care services by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research.

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24 thoughts on “Guest Post: 7 Tips to Clean Your Sofa

  • T is so helpful am going to pin it for future reference #bloggersbest@_karendennis

    • I’m glad you found it useful. Thanks for visiting.

  • This is really useful as our sofas get really grubby. Thank you

    • So do ours. Toddlers have no concept of germs. Thanks for visiting.

  • Great tips made me realise we need to clean our sofas Thank you for linking to #Thatfridaylinky please come back next week

    • They do have a way of getting grimy. Thanks for reading.

  • make the mistake of lifting up the sofa and taking a look underneath a few days ago. Won’t do that again! #thatfridaylinky

    • Sometimes it’s better to not know. Thanks for visiting.

  • All sorts can lurk beneath our couch, there are too many bottoms sitting on it and no one ever owns up to the mess! #KCACOLS

    • Our couches are pretty much hovering on a pile of toys. We dig them out with a broom regularly but somehow they und up right back under there again. Thanks for visiting.

  • This post gives me hope that I can rid the sofa of coffee, yogurt, slime (yes!), Gatorade, and anything that may happen today? Thank you! #KCACOLS xoxo

  • Great tips! Our sofas are leather so wipe clean, but the cat has scratched them to hell so they look awful! #kcacols

    • I’m very familiar with the combination of cats and leather couches. Still have cats but the couches are now fabric. There are definitely pros and cons. Thanks for visiting.

  • Ooo never thought about using baking soda. I thought the best remedy was to buy a leather one but it’s not half as comfy as the old fabric one we had 🙁 #KCACOLS

    • There are definitely pros and cons to leather couches. Thanks for dropping by.

    • Lint roller works very well on all the cat hair that’s always stuck to our couches. Thanks for reading.

    • I didn’t know about that either. Thanks for reading.

    • Sofas are such germ magnets. Mommy won’t even let our new baby come in contact with the couch without a blanket to separate them. Thanks for visiting .

  • Really useful tips, our sofa is definitely in need of a little tlc, I’ll have to keep this advice in mind when I decide to go for it and spruce it up a bit! x #KCACOLS

    • I hope you find it helpful. Thanks for visiting.


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