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Adventuring With Mojhi • Peachy and Clementine

Adventuring With Mojhi

I’m a toddler and that means my job consists primarily of exploration. It’s full-time employment which involves exploration, adventure, and trekking to new locations. I’m meticulous and very thorough leaving no stone unturned. Exploring is serious business.

At home I explore under the couch and inside the dishwasher. In the yard I make sure to thoroughly explore every square inch of dirt by excavating with my shovel and bucket. At the park I explore every stick and every stone that I can get my hands on. When we go to the grocery store I explore by running up and down each aisle repeatedly.

Peachy having an outdoor adventure
Exploring can be messy.

Every serious explorer knows that true exploration requires adventuring. I love going on expeditions to explore new things and trekking to new places. I’ve been many locations already such as my grandparents’ house, the big park down the street, the mall, and even a few restaurants. All these places have been fun and I am ready for new places to explore.

Daddy’s vacation is just a few weeks away and we have several adventures planned. This will be my chance to explore the beach, go for a hike at the zoo, and I’ll even get to try my hand at boating. These adventures do sound fun and I am looking forward to having these experiences. I think they will be the perfect stepping stone to prepare me for the adventure I’ve been planning for myself.

After the experiences I’ll have this summer, I think I’ll be ready to take on some real trekking. While mommy has been busy researching toddler friendly activities for us to do on vacation, I have been investigating bigger adventures. I think that I have found the perfect activity for me. I’ve decided to take on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania. With an elevation of 5895 meters, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest volcano outside of South America. It is part of the Kilimanjaro National Park which is governed by the Tanzanian National Parks Authority. Mount Kilimanjaro has several official trekking routes and is a very popular tourist attraction.

While researching my Kilimanjaro adventure, I stumbled upon a website called Mojhi.com. Mojhi allows you to compare adventure activities and customize a package that’s right for you. They work with vendors and tour operators to help you put together the expedition of your dreams at the best possible price. With quality discounts, a paperless system, and the ability to book online, Mojhi makes it easy and convenient to create a once in a lifetime kind of adventure experience.

One of the options offered on Mojhi.com is a Kilimanjaro climb. Just a quick look and I knew this would be easy. Mojhi breaks it down into five simple steps to plan my trekking adventure.

Peachy has Mount Kilimanjaro in her sights
Mount Kilimanjaro here I come!

1. Chose your trekking route

The first step is to select your preferred route. I’ve decided on the Lemosho trail. Mojhi describes it as quieter and scenic. A good view is very important to me when I go hiking. It also has good acclimatization and the highest success rate. This will be my first climb and I want to set myself up for success by not choosing something overly difficult and beyond my abilities.

2. The size of your party

Next you chose the number of people you will be adventuring with. My party consists of mommy, daddy, and myself. That’s three, so I’m selecting the small group option which includes 3-4 people.

3. Group and private tours

The next step is to decide if you want your party to join a group tour consisting of several parties, or if you prefer a private tour arranged just for your party. I imagine it would be cheaper to join a group tour, but money is of no interest to me. I’m selecting the private tour.

4. Do you want safari with that?

Mojhi offers you the option of adding an African safari adventure to your Kilimanjaro climb. Two adventures in one? Why not! I do like animals and I want to get the most out of my safari experience, so I’m selecting the 7 to 9 day African safari.

5. Save the date

The last step is to select which dates you can go on your adventure. I have to be realistic here. It’s going to take me some time to prepare for my Kilimanjaro climb. My summer is already booked with the adventures mommy is planning, and daddy will probably want to go back to work for a bit before another vacation. December is my birthday and I want to be here so that I can get my presents. Then we have Christmas and more presents. I’ll have to delay my Kilimanjaro climb until January.

Finally I entered my contact information and pressed the button to get quotes. While I wait to receive my information, I have to consider how to present my trekking adventure idea to mommy. This will take a bit of finesse. I’ll need to be tactful.

I suspect that mommy will say an African safari is too dangerous and that Kilimanjaro is no place for a blogging toddler. I have until January to show mommy that I can do this and to prove how mature I really am. I will be 2 whole years old by then. Surely that’s old enough. Maybe it can be my birthday and Christmas present? I’m certain that we can work something out.

This post was sponsored by Mojhi.com. All opinions expressed are honest and our own.

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