
Daddy’s Removable Parts

I found a removable part on my daddy! It is located on his face and it makes daddy that much more fun to play with. He was already fun to begin with, and now there’s a brand new way for us to play. We have invented a game centered around daddy’s removable part.

The object of the game is to snatch daddy’s removable part off his face, while daddy pretends that he doesn’t want me to have it. Which of course is silly because if he didn’t want me to have it, he wouldn’t display it so prominently on his face. It is a game of skill, strategy, and quick reflexes.

Infant holding a pair of glasses
I win!

One strategy that I employ, is to simply stretch out my arms as far as they will go. This is usually unsuccessful as daddy is crafty in keeping his face just beyond my reach. Sometimes I manage to get daddy in a situation where he can’t get away far enough, and then I grab the removable part and win the game.

I have had more success with my second strategy. I call it, waiting until daddy isn’t paying attention. The best time to attempt this is while we’re watching cartoons together. I wait patiently until daddy’s attention is focused on the tv. Then, when he least expects it, my hand comes up in daddy’s face and yoink, I win again!

I have a third strategy which often gets results. It’s the sneak attack method. For this to work, I have to act like my attention is on something other than the removable part. For example, when daddy and I are playing the tickle game. I pretend that I’m fully engrossed in the game until daddy comes in to blow raspberries on my tummy. That’s when I pounce and win again.

If one removable part brings us so much fun, imagine what two removable parts would do. I just know another one of these parts comes off somehow. It looks like daddy’s facial scruff should come off too, but no matter how hard I tug it just won’t budge. It appears to be stuck somehow.


Run Jump Scrap!
August 17, 2016

August 23, 2016

Pink Pear Bear
August 29, 2016
Cuddle Fairy
September 14, 2016
The Pramshed
September 17, 2016
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday
September 18, 2016

29 thoughts on “Daddy’s Removable Parts

  • Uh ohhh! My little one loves my glasses 🙂 Thanks for linking up #bestandworst

    • Anything that can be pulled off is fair game with Peachy. I don’t recommend wearing earrings anywhere near my little peach. Not safe!

      Thanks for reading.

  • I’m just getting to that stage where dangly earrings need to be removed from use, immediately. Little hands HURT! Thanks for linking to #Chucklemums xx

    • Little hands do hurt. Our little ones don’t know how to be gentle yet. Last night I left my hair down after my shower. Big mistake. Peachy got two fistfulls and started waving it around completely unaware that the other end of that was attached to me. Good thing the cats are clever enough to keep out of reach.

    • Medicine and technology have come so far. It’s incredible what we can do these days. Good to have options. Thanks for visiting 🙂

  • This is hilarious! Eden loves my wife’s glass too. She’s a master of stealth! #bigpinklink

  • Hahaha….lovely…. My kids used to try anything on my face when they were younger, including my ponytail which they loved to give it a big tug! Thanks for sharing with #bigpinklink

    • Oh yes! Peachy loves hair. I generally have mine tied up around her. But she still manages to get little bits free and she loves to tug on those. Thanks for visiting.

  • From Day Dot

    Ah this is really cute, I love the bit about the facial scruff! #fortheloveofblog

    • Thank you. And thanks for reading.

  • Rainbowsaretoobeautiful

    Apparently I don’t look right without my glasses, so HAVE to wear them! # KCACOLS

    • That’s so funny. It reminds me of when I was about 3 an my father shaved off his beard. I was convinced that he was an imposter. Recently Peachy’s daddy got a haircut and I was worried how Peachy would react. She didn’t mind at all. She knows that’s still daddy. Let’s see how she feels about such things when she gets a bit older.

  • Ha ha, brilliant. My toddler is obsessed with stealing her big brothers glasses the second he gets close enough.

    • That’s adorable. Thanks for visiting.

  • It’s so true, babies must really see things this way. I’ve started wearing contact lenses to avoid my removable part being destroyed #KCACOLS

    • That’s smart thinking. Have to stay ahead of those sneaky babies. Thanks for reading.

  • The amount of time my child has broken my glasses because of this game! #kcacols

    • Oh no! That’s no good. So far we haven’t had to replace any glasses. I sure hope it doesn’t come to that.

      • She was about two at the time, so I think you’ve got time to prepare! Plus I’m very short so I don’t have much going for me really haha!

  • Sophie is ALLLL about my glasses right now so I’m laughing at this! She is just so determined to have them the little monkey! #fortheloveofBLOG x

    • I’m happy to hear that you can relate. It seems to be a popular baby fascination. Thanks for reading.

  • Heheh this did make me laugh. My husband had the same problem when my boys were younger!

    Thank you for linking up to #KCACOLS I hope to see you back again on Sunday x

    • I’m glad you liked it. Thanks for visiting.

    • Peachy’s new fascination is watches. When any of our watch wearing relatives come over and want to hold her, she ignores them completely and spends the entire time picking at their watch. Thanks for reading.


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