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Cats and Hats • Peachy and Clementine
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Cats and Hats

In my room are three shelves, with neatly stacked treasure.

These are my books that mommy reads me with pleasure.

There are tales about Sophie, and a rabbit named Peter.

Fairy tales. Nursery rhymes. What could be sweeter?

My favourite story of all is about a big cat.

With rhymes and adventure and his silly red hat.


I first heard this story as a tiny bundle.

I was tired and frightened and ready to grumble.

But mommy’s soothing voice and the tale of the cat,

calmed me right down in the chair where we sat.

While mommy read on I made not a peep.

In no time at all I was soundly asleep.


Since then on my shelves more books have appeared.

Similar stories just as wonderfully weird.

One silly book about fish red and blue.

A second about a man who can moo.

A book about letters A, B, and C.

The one about pop is so funny to me.


For Christmas mommy read the tale of the Grinch,

What a fiend he was! I could give him a pinch!

So many stories. Too many to name.

Each one is different. No two are the same.

I love every one. What do you think about that?

It’s hard to believe it all began with a cat.


I’m not finished yet. There is more I want to say.

Just wait until you hear what I saw the other day.

I was playing as usual, I look up and I see…

Wouldn’t you know it, the cat on T.V.!

There he was on the screen with his friends and the fish.

To see more of the cat became my main wish.


Mommy and I read a story each day.

I help turn the pages, mommy has shown me the way.

If I’m good, in the evenings I watch my show.

I try to be good but it’s not easy you know.

I’m enjoying the show and all my books too.

Time for a story so I bid you adieu.

Baby sitting in a chair
Story time!


Cuddle Fairy
January 25, 2017
Dear Bear and Beany
January 26, 2017
February 10, 2017
My Petit Canard
February 20, 2017

0 thoughts on “Cats and Hats

  • What a beautiful poem. love it! I love reading stories to my kiddos, although I have to be careful with some of them as William (Who’s one) likes to try and rip the pages. He will learn to appreciate books, just like mummy!

    • Peachy loves to turn the pages but she’s not gentle enough with paper. I have to watch her hands carefully and only let her touch board books. Thanks for reading.

  • Oh that’s such a lovely poem! I’ve always read with my son, but he’s been a bit more hit and miss with whether he enjoys it or not! You have to catch him in just the right mood. We’re really enjoying We’re Going on a Bear Hunt lately – we have two copies so we read one each. Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    • I love the idea of having two copies and getting your little one to read along. We’ll have to do that when Peachy gets old enough to understand what all those squiggly things on the pages are. Thanks for visiting.

  • This is beautiful. We love story time in our house, we quite often have a snuggle on the sofa when Alice gets home from school and read a story all together with a snack. I have two little book worms. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove x

    • That sounds sweet. Story time is a great excuse for snuggles. Thanks for reading.

    • It’s a great thing to do with kids. My mom read to me and I’m reading to Peachy. Thanks for visiting.

  • Awww. this is so very sweet! & So very clever! I love it! Thank you for sharing with us on #FabFridayPost xx

  • This poem is wonderful, and so full of nostalgia. The photo at the end is perfect. Isn’t it amazing how they know what to do so quickly? I love it when they’re tiny hands turn the pages. It is so sweet! #MarvMondays

    • It is very cute. I just wish Peachy knew how to apply a bit of finesse to her page turning. Thanks for reading.


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