
Car Seat Safety Tips

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When you have your baby with you, the amount of stress you’re going through goes sky-high. You begin to imagine every possible negative scenario that could happen. Car seat safety is one of the most concerning areas for new parents. However, there’s no reason to be worried when you know you’ve spent hours reading everything about car seats. And now you complete that knowledge with the tips we prepared for you in this article.

Peachy and Clementine Car Seat Safety Tips

Watch Out for Escape Artists

We promise not to give you the same car seat safety tips that you can find everywhere. We’re going to start with the situation in which your baby figures out how to slip their tiny arms out of the straps. To make sure that doesn’t happen, you need to check that the harness is at a proper height. Ensure that the straps are pulled tight and sit close to the infant’s body.

Another thing you can do to prevent your baby from taking his or her arms out of the harness is to take off any puffy clothes that could make the harness looser. Same goes for car seat liners. When it comes to safety, less is more.

Car Seat Safety for Toddlers – How to Deal with “Houdinis”

When they figure out they can pull out their hands is bad enough. But what do you do when your toddler finally figures out how the locking mechanism goes? You trust that the model of portable child safety car seat has a lock that was designed in such a way that it can’t be opened by a toddler but can you rest assured and watch the road knowing there’s a possibility they can unlock it? For these situations, you need to add another baby-proof locking mechanism on the harness so you make sure their sticky little fingers can’t undo it.

Car Seat Safety Checklist Trifecta

Before leaving on a trip with your baby in the car seat, there are three things you need to check every time.

First, if your car seat is installed with the use of the seatbelt make sure the seatbelt is correctly wrapped around the seat, and it’s as tight as it can get – no wobble. For cars with lower anchor points, make sure they are snug and secure. Remember that car seats should be installed using either the seatbelt or anchor points but never both.

Second, inspect that car seat’s harness points. Make sure they are tightly secured to the seat itself. Inspect their general condition and make sure they will hold up in case of an emergency brake.

Third, if you keep the baby seat on the front seat of your car, ALWAYS double check to make sure the airbag is turned off on that side of the vehicle. And remember that rear facing car seats should only be installed in the back seat.

This concludes our car seat safety tips and tricks. If you have any suggestions of your own that you want to share with our readers, we encourage you to do so in the comments section. Every opinion matters and could mean a great idea for another parent out there.

This is a guest post from Jimmy Maysa.

Author’s bio: Experience matters a lot. Jimmy Maysa is a proud daddy with 3 kids: 1- month- old boy, two girls 2 and 5 years old, respectively. Prior to the birth of his first kid, he acquired the knowledge himself about every baby gear category that suits little children and even his pregnant wife. Now with his life experience, he can suggest the perfect things to be bought for your new bundle of joy.

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Peachy and Clementine

Peachy and Clementine are taking on the world! These two girls will melt your heart as they talk about all things family. Being little shouldn't hold you back.

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