
5 Activities a Toddler Can Do With a New Baby Sibling

These past couple of months, I have been learning what being a big sister is all about. Babies are a lot of work, but they can be a lot of fun too, and my baby sister is certainly a little cutie. There are times when having a baby around can be challenging, but it’s important for all of us to remember that she is a little person and a member of our family. There are a few toddler and baby activities that we have already discovered.

Siblings often serve as each other’s first friends and confidants. Having a solid bond can help provide a sense of security and belonging. Early relationship-building fosters communication, cooperation, and conflict-resolution skills that can last a lifetime. Siblings who grow up with a close bond are more likely to support each other through life’s ups and downs, providing emotional support that can significantly contribute to their overall well-being.

My baby sister might not be able to run and play the way that I do, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun together. Family bonds are important, and it’s never too early to work on those relationships. It’s only through our interactions that we can get to know each other and build those family ties.

Peachy accepting her Liebster Award Nomination
Family is important

Mommy feels that I can be a bit rough sometimes and that some of my attempts at interacting with the baby are too much for my little sister to handle. On occasion, there have been some tears shed but no real harm done. Under Mommy’s watchful eye, I have been learning safe ways to play with my baby sister that we can both enjoy. Here are a few of my favorite activities that we can do together.

1. Sing Circle

I have always been musically inclined, and at only two and a half years of age, I know the words to quite a few songs. I especially enjoy the songs that have animated hand gestures to go with the words, and Mommy and I have added certain actions to our favorite songs to make them even more fun. Singing songs has always been something we have done every day.

Here’s a good one from The Wiggles.

With the addition of a baby to our family, we have another person to join in our songs. Granted, she doesn’t know how to sing just yet, but we all have to start somewhere. Mommy and I have been teaching my little sister our songs by the use of a song circle. It’s one of the best toddler and baby activities because it’s fun and easy.

Singing to infants offers numerous benefits, fostering early communication, emotional bonding, and cognitive development. The combination of soothing melodies and engaging hand movements captures their attention, making it a fun and educational experience. Music can provide comfort and familiarity, aiding in stress reduction and creating lasting memories for both you and your little one.

We put the baby in her bouncy chair so that we can all be at floor level. Then Mommy and I sit on the floor with the three of us forming a circle so that we can see and hear each other clearly. Mommy and I sing our songs while the baby watches. She seems to enjoy our animated gestures and the sound of our voices, and we have fun with it too.

2. Story Time

Books have always been a large part of my life, and for as long as I can remember, Mommy and I have been reading together. Reading is part of our bedtime routine and a fun way to spend time snuggling on the couch. The love of books is something that I am eager to share with my baby sister.

Peachy reading to her baby sister
Sister reading group

At bedtime I have Mommy all to myself, and we have our routine reading time together. But during the day, the baby often joins us on the couch for a story. I really don’t mind sharing Mommy with the baby as long as I have my daily alone time with Mommy. In fact, I like sitting next to my little sister and enjoying her company when we’re doing toddler and baby activities.

Reading to infants lays a strong foundation for their future learning and development. It fosters early language skills, introduces them to the rhythm and melody of language, and enhances their listening abilities. Regular exposure to books from a young age stimulates cognitive development, helping babies recognize sounds, patterns, and eventually, words. 

Sometimes, when Mommy is busy, I take it upon myself to be the storyteller. I don’t quite know how to read yet, but that doesn’t stop me from telling stories. I pull up a chair to where the baby can see me and sit down with one of my favorite books. Then I talk about the pictures while my sister listens.

3. Toy Box Treasure Hunting

Turns out, there was a time when I was a baby. As unbelievable as that sounds, I know it to be true because Mommy has shown me photos. There is also evidence in the form of an impressive collection of baby toys. Now it is time to pull those simple toys out of hiding and share them with my sister. Who knew that toddler and baby activities would involve recycling? We’re saving the planet as we play!

Baby in a nursing pillow
I used to be much smaller.

Babies don’t know how to play with toys, so it’s up to me to teach my little sister what toys are all about. Mommy places the bin of baby toys on the floor, and she puts the baby in her swing or bouncy chair. We sit around the baby where she can see us, and we take turns pulling out toys from the bin. We show each toy to the baby, demonstrating its use and making sure to point out all of the fun and interesting features of that toy.

The first few times we did this, my baby sister showed little interest in the toys. Now she looks at them much more attentively, and lately she has been making some effort to touch the toys we show her. It’s very rewarding to watch my little sister learn and grow. I get a sense of pride knowing that I helped teach her how to play.

4. Dance Party

One of my favorite activities consists of dancing along with YouTube videos. I love it when we play my favorite songs on the big TV so that I can dance around in the living room. It’s even more fun when Mommy joins in! Then we twirl around the room together, trying to invent new dance moves that we can try out.

My favorite YouTube video.

My baby sister doesn’t know how to walk yet, but that doesn’t mean she can’t experience the fun of dancing. While she sits in her bouncy chair, I demonstrate some of my best moves for her. She seems to enjoy the music, the bright colors of the videos, and all the action and excitement of my dancing. I think this might be one of her favorite toddler and baby activities because it always makes her smile.

Sometimes while I’m dancing, Mommy scoops my baby sister up in her arms and holds her tight while she dances. My baby sister’s giggles and smiles are infectious. Dancing with her brings us closer together, creating a bond that is unbreakable. I can’t wait for our next dance party in the living room.

5. Mommy’s Helper

There is a time for fun and games, and there is a time for serious business. Babies are a lot of work, and they require a great deal of attention. I take the job of being a big sister very seriously, and Mommy has been teaching me how to take care of my baby sister. It’s important work!

Peachy and her baby sister
I’m here for you

Mommy has taught me that the baby cries because she is sad and needs our help. I know that my little sister likes her pacifier, and I know how to get it gently into her mouth. My baby sister likes her soft blanket, and I’m becoming an expert at tucking her in and making sure that her face isn’t covered. There is a lot to know when taking care of a baby, and I’m still learning.

Allowing toddlers to help care for their baby siblings can be incredibly beneficial. It fosters a sense of responsibility and empathy, as they learn to be gentle and considerate. This involvement also strengthens the sibling bond and provides the older child with a feeling of importance and inclusion. Additionally, it can enhance their social and emotional development, as they navigate the dynamics of caregiving and cooperation.

Whenever I hear my little sister crying, I immediately alert Mommy to the fact that the baby needs us. I am the bringer of tissues when Mommy is feeding my sister, and I am the fetcher of dropped pacifiers. I have an important role in taking care of the baby, and my little sister knows that she can count on me.

It’s never too early to start building family ties, and my sister and I are well on our way. We’re going to be the best of friends!

This post comes with a YouTube video.

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34 thoughts on “5 Activities a Toddler Can Do With a New Baby Sibling

  • It looks like you are a lovely big sister and very helpful to Mommy. #KCACOLS

    • I love that one. It’s great fun. Thanks for reading.

  • Dance party would be my favourite activity! Great suggestions x popping over from #DreamTeam x

    • It’s one of my favourite things too. Dancing is so much fun. Thanks for visiting.

  • Can’t believe how much you’ve grown since I last visited your blog Peachy! Congrats on becoming a big sister!!

    • Thanks! Growing is my main job. Lovely to see you again.

  • You’re amazing and I would have loved to have a big sister like you. #KCACOLS

    • Thanks! I am pretty amazing. Mommy tells me so every day. Thanks for reading.

  • Aww this reinds me of when my girls were small. They loved The Wiggles too. My eldest loved helping out with her younger siblings. #FabFridayPost

    • It’s not always the most useful help but Peachy is always there to assist. Thanks for reading.

  • Awww it us,hard work having two but there are moments that are just lovely X #fabfridaypost

    • It has definitely been interesting. More work but so worth it. Thanks for visiting.

  • very cute. Makes me sad sometimes because I know my daughter would have been a great big sister. Looks like you are doing a wonderful job #KCACOLS

    • Thanks. It’s never too late to become a big sister 😉

  • Dancing, reading together and singing are so good for interaction. And as for the The Wiggles, I’d forgotten alll about them (thank goodness!!). #kcacols

    • It’s definitely paying off. Our newest member of the family recognizes me just as well as she knows Mommy and Daddy. My little sister watches me intently whenever I’m nearby. If we continue on this path we are going to have a very close bond. Thanks for reading.

    • That does seem to be a favourite among many people. Not surprising. It is a lot of fun. Thanks for reading.

    • We love story time too. Reading has always been a big part of my life.

  • Aww… this is so cute and very useful. Baby is so tiny!! Can’t believe how much you have grown Peachy! We love singing and dancing together here. It’s so fun. 🙂 xx

    Thank you very much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost

    • She is tiny but she’s growing so fast. She’s already much bigger than she was when that picture was taken. She’s still super cute. Thanks for reading.

  • My youngest girls love to watch Youtube videos, sing, and dance together. It is just so precious! I can’t wait for my 2yo to meet her new sister and watch their relationship grow.

    We will definitely be doing all of these when our little rue gets here. Thanks for sharing! #FabFridayPost

    • We’re never too young to start interacting. I can already see my relationship with my baby sister grow. She loves watching me play and she likes it when I talk to her. Thanks for visiting.

      • You are absolutely right! You’re welcome.

  • This reminds me of my young nieces. The big girl helping the little girl and trying to be gentle. #DreamTeam

    • Trying being the key word there. I’m only 2. Being gentle doesn’t come easy to me. Thanks for reading .

  • twicemicrowavedtea

    These are lovely things to do together. We’re trying some of these with Little B’s new baby brother. They are getting along brilliantly and I’m so pleased! #kcacols

    • We tend to worry so much about how a new baby will affect our older kids but they seem to take it all in stride. Thanks for reading and congrats on the new baby!

  • My older two loved being helpers when their little sister came along – and still do luckily for me! #KCACOLS

    • That’s nice to hear. They’re so cute when they’re helping. Thanks for reading.

  • Saved as a favorite, I love your site!


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