
Hearts and Flowers

For the last couple of days I have been cooped up indoors. We have been experiencing daily torrential downpours of rain which have put our daily outings to the park on hold. I have grown to love our playtime at the park and I miss my outdoor play.

After many months of winter, being able to venture out into the warming rays of spring sunshine was initially a bit bewildering to me. After all, last year I was too little to do much and spent most of my outdoor time strapped into my stroller. I still ride in my stroller each time we go out, but when we get to where we’re going mommy lets me out.

This has opened up a world of possibilities for me. It has allowed me to explore, see things I have never seen before, play in brand new way, and even socialize with other kids a little. It’s really not surprising that I’m hooked on our outdoor adventures. It’s even less surprising that all this rain is making me miss the outside world.

On the last nice day before the rain came, mommy and I had a great time at the playground. It was a little cooler than the previous day and the playground was almost deserted. This rarely happens. Most of the time the place is crowded with kids, parents, strollers, and the occasional dog.

It’s difficult for me to play when there are so many people around because most of them are much bigger than I am. They are fast and busy with their games. Mommy keeps me close and insists that I hold her hand so that I don’t wander into their boisterous play. She worries that I’ll get trampled because I’m so small.

It’s hard to explore when mommy doesn’t give me much freedom so when the playground isn’t busy, we take full advantage. Mommy lets me loose and I run around all by myself! I can go wherever I want, touch anything that strikes my fancy, and make use of all the interesting playground equipment. It’s amazing!

The last time we went was the best. I was in an exploring mood and mommy thought it would be good to take some pictures with our cell phone. Although it was a bit cool, it was a bright day and there weren’t many people around to get in the way. It was a great day for park photography and we got some great shots.

Mommy and I have been starting to work on our Instagram presence. It’s been slow going as most of our photos are in the camera and not on our mobile devices. I hope mommy got some good shots to share. There was one that I know mommy was excited about. I hope people like it.

We posted that photo on Instagram as soon as we got home. Mommy said she hopes it will get us a lot of hearts. When people like an image on Instagram they have to press the heart icon. When mommy and I get a like we say we got a heart from someone. It’s a bit of an inside joke.

Peachy's Instagram feed
I’m on Instagram!

That day at the park I found something very pretty on the ground. It was yellow and fluffy and I couldn’t help but pick it up. I can’t believe such treasure was just sitting there on the floor. I just knew it was a very special find.

After giving it a good look and petting it’s fluff a little, I turned to mommy and offered it to her in an outstretched hand. Mommy always accepts my gifts graciously but she was particularly pleased with the pretty, yellow, fluffy thing. She called it a flower and thanked me profusely. I think I’ve heard that word before but I’m not sure when or where.

After posting our latest photo on Instagram, mommy put the flower between two pieces of paper and placed a heavy book on it. She said she would save it to put in the book that mommy is making for me. The book is all about me, my firsts, special moments, and fun memories. Mommy has been working on since before I was born.

When daddy came home mommy showed him the flower and she told him that she is saving it because it’s the first flower I ever gave her. Daddy said the flower’s name is dandelion and he said it might not count as a true flower. Mommy disagreed and carefully put the flower back under the heavy book. I suspect daddy is jealous of mommy’s flower. I’ll have to find him one of his own just as soon as this rain lets up.

My Favourite Linkys

0 thoughts on “Hearts and Flowers

  • Hope the rain lets up soon so you and Mummy can have more adventures 🙂

    • For now it seems to be getting worse. We are now under a rain advisory as there is risk of flooding in certain areas. Our adventures are limited to trips to the store I’m afraid. We should be back to decent weather by the end of next week. I don’t know how we’ll keep busy. Maybe it’s time to finally visit that soft play center in the neighbourhood. Thanks for reading.

      • That’s a shame. Give the soft play a go as the Tubblet loved it when she was that age. Back again from #stayclassymama

        • I really want to do that but I’ve never been to anything like that and I’m a bit nervous about it. I would love to have Peachy’s daddy come with us on our first run but it’s hard to get all of our schedules synchronized.

  • Aww! How lovely! It’s great to go out and explore!
    That flower is very special.

    • It’s a very special flower to me. I’ll cherish it forever. Thanks for visiting us.

  • Oh I’m off to make sure I am following you on IG. Tell mummy you’ll be Ok with the bigger kids playing but I know it’s hard for mummy’s to let go of hands 😉 Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime 🎉

    • Thanks. I could use more friends. 🙂 I’ll let mommy know but she probably won’t listen. In her defence, I do tend to be rather fearless. Mommy calls it reckless but it all depends on perspective. Thanks for visiting.

  • Aww… what wonderful writing! I’d love to see your first book. Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost x

  • Sunday and Monday poured down for us too, I hate having the kids stuck indoors. Best of luck with the Instagram, I’m finding it harder since Facebook took it over and I moved mine to a business account.

    • I’m finding it hard to juggle all these social media accounts and run my blog while being a full time mom. But I just keep plugging away. Maybe I’m not making fast progress but at least I’m making progress. Thanks for reading.

    • Very special. It’s just been rocks and sticks up until now. Thanks for visiting.

  • My daughter is obsessed with dandelions, she can’t walk past one without picking it! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx

    • Yesterday we went to the park and they were everywhere. They looked beautiful. A sea of yellow. Thanks for visiting.

  • Awww a lovely post. I’m sure you will treasure your dandelion. I got one of them given to me today by my little girl, very sweet. Thanks for linking up with us at #FabFridayPost

    • They have a way of making us feel special with the most simple gestures. Thanks for reading.

  • I love reading from your perspective Peachy, it sounds like you had a nice day at the park and then a few days relaxing at home. You always need a break after a big day at the park! Thanks for sharing with #StayClassyMama!

    • Maybe mommy needs a break but I don’t. I just need a short nap and I’m ready for more adventures. Thanks for reading.

  • Rain rain go away! But I love the fact your mummy is making you a special book, and what a lovely mummy she is. Thanks for linking this up to #coolmumclub xoxo

    • Thanks. There are so many little things that I want to keep so I thought it would be best if I put them together in a sort of scrap book. It’s still a work in progress but one day I’ll show it to Peachy and tell her all about the times we shared when she was a little baby. Of course she will also have this blog to read.

  • Your posts are very cute. We have had a ton of rain the last while as well. Yesterday was nice (though still cool) and it looks as though today will be as well. Here’s hoping the nice weather lasts and everyone can get outside and explore!

    • It seems that just about everyone in the northern hemisphere is experiencing the same weather pattern these last few weeks. Cool and rainy. That’s what we’ve had here in Canada. My parents, Peachy’s grandparents, spent the last few weeks in Europe and they report the same. It does look like an improvement is coming our way. The last few days were nice for us as well. Thanks for visiting.

  • Yellow is a great colour – my favourite, and mummy will always treasure your gifts I’m sure. Hope the rain has stopped! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo x

    • We have finally had a break in the rain and the sun has been out for the past two days. We’ve been enjoying every moment of it. Thank you for stopping by.

  • Ah I hope the rain lets up soon. I love how much little ones love flowers and giving them with such pride! #thatfridaylinky

    • Peachy likes to give me everything she finds with great pride. A rock, stick, acorn, bottle cap, candy wrapper, it’s all treasure to her. Thanks for reading.

  • There’s nothing better than having the park all to yourself to explore, is there? And I love the giving flowers too – there’s nothing more heart-melting than when my son says “for you mummy!” How lovely to press it and keep it for a memory book too, what a lovely idea. Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    • Battling crowds at the park is no fun. Especially since Peachy is so small. The bigger kids don’t always see her when they’re too busy playing. I have to keep her close to make sure she’s safe. When it’s not busy I can let her have a bit more freedom. She loves that. Thanks for visiting.

    • We’re already at that stage. It’s the running after a toddler days. Happens so fast. Thanks for visiting.

  • Hope the rain stops soon so you can get outdoors fab post Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

    • The last two days have been abnormally warm. Last night we had a thunderstorm and now we’re back to seasonal. Thanks for visiting.

  • It’s been raining a lot here this week and it’s miserable! Instagram is a tough one to crack, it drives me mad. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    • Still working on figuring out Instagram. I’m not as good with my phone as I am with a computer. Thanks for reading.

  • We also love visiting the park. Rory really enjoys running around but he also has to be careful of the bigger boys and girls. Hope the weather gets better soon! #sharingthebloglove

    • Those bigger kids sure can get rambunctious. I often wish there was a play area just for the little ones. Would be safer and they could socialize a bit more. Thanks for reading.


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