
Catch Me If You Can

I have invented a new game. It’s really quite an ingenious game and I’m very proud of myself for coming up with the idea. I’m such a clever Peach. I’m also a generous Peach and I want to share my invention with the world.

The game is called Catch Me If You Can and the rules are simple. It’s a two person game with two distinct roles to play. One person runs away and the second person chases them. I like to play the part of the person doing the running away and I am very good at it.

Daddy and I have played this game a few times, but usually I play it with mommy. Since I’m not that sturdy on my feet yet, I run away on all fours. To be fair, mommy chases me on all fours too. Mommy makes it more fun by calling out “I’m going to get the baby” while she chases me and I giggle as I run away.

Mommy is a very good at chasing me and sometimes I even let mommy catch me. When I’m caught, mommy gives me kisses, snuggles, and tickles. Then she lets me go, or I escape, and the chase resumes. We race around the baby zone until mommy gets tired.

I originally invented this game in my crib. One morning when I was feeling particularly silly, mommy came to get me out of bed and I decided it would be fun to run away to the far end of the crib. I made my move just as mommy leaned in to grab me. It was funny and it made me giggle.

Mommy was clearly surprised and she repositioned herself to pick me up from my new location. As mommy leaned in to grab me, I ran to the other end of the crib. I kept dodging mommy’s grasp while mommy chased me until she finally managed to grab me. It was hilarious!

Baby sitting in a crib
I won’t run away. Honest.

I still play this trick on mommy sometimes but the game is really a lot more fun to play in the baby zone. There is a lot more room for me to really pick up some speed and I like to go fast. My crib limits me quite a bit but in the crib, I know mommy will chase me.

Today I discovered that it’s also possible to play my game in the bathtub. A few months ago this wouldn’t be possible as I was still using my baby bathtub and there is no room to run around in there. Since then I graduated to the big girl tub and I love it. I can splash around and as much as I want. It’s amazing!

Today I was having my routine bath until mommy went to wash my feet. I’m a bit ticklish and having my feet washed makes me kick and giggle. That’s when I decided to be silly and I ran to the far end of the tub as fast as I could. I sat there giggling while mommy looked at me with disapproval.

I don’t understand why mommy doesn’t approve of the Catch Me If You Can game in the bathtub. We have a nonskid mat in there. We had to install it when I realized that I like to stand in the tub and smack the wall with my wet hands. So what’s mommy worried about?

Mommy probably needs some time for the idea to grow on her. I’ll just keep trying until mommy sees how much fun it is. Don’t worry mommy. I’ll show you how much fun bath time can be. I won’t give up on you.

My Favourite Linkys

34 thoughts on “Catch Me If You Can

  • Baby E loves to play that game! He loves it so much that he’ll antagonize his sisters by taking something they’re playing with and running away. He just thinks it’s all good fun, but man does it get them annoyed. (I may be standing in the corner giggling at the whole sight while it’s going on) Have fun chasing around!

    • It’s funny how they seem to figure out how that game works all by themselves. One day Peachy just decided that she wanted to run away and see what happened. Yesterday she pulled out what looked like an old, dried out piece of cheese from under the couch. As soon as I spotted it I tried to grab it but she took off with it laughing. I had to chase her around for a good 5 minutes before she would give it up. Thanks for reading.

  • Mom Of Two Little Girls

    Aw bless her! Too cute. They think they are so clever.

  • Oh this is such a fun game, my daughters like this too. Don’t worry your mummy will soon come round to it 😉

    • I hope so. It’s such a fun game. Thanks for visiting.

  • haha! Yes my 12 month old is a HUGE fan of this game too!! #FridayFrolics

    • It’s cute how babies seem to “invent” this game for themselves. Thanks for reading.

  • How adorable and oh my it sounds like she is giving you the runaround i more ways than one, but all great fun and the delights of parenting. #FabFriday post

    • It can certainly be fun and her giggles are infectious. Thanks for reading.

  • I miss baby games. Toddler games have far too many rules that I don’t seem to be privy too! Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics

    • So that’s what we have to look forward to? I’m sure there’s lots of fun in toddler games too. Thanks for visiting.

  • Ah, that sounds like so much fun! Definitely keep going – I’m sure your mummy will come round to it in the end! And I’m sure you’ll come up with lots more fun games to keep mummy on her toes too! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    • It’s good exercise for both of us. Thanks for reading.

  • The catch me if you can game is also a favourite in our house! Although it makes be very nervous in the bath too #stayclassymama

    • Little people have no sense of safety. Thanks for reading.

  • haha, good luck Peach. Not sure that you will ever convince mum that is a fun game! #FridayFrolics

    • I’ll just have to keep trying 🙂 Thanks for reading.

  • My 2.5 year old twins still play this game- in opposite directions- and they are much faster than I!


    • Haha. That must be fun. Amazing how fast little people can move on those short little legs. Thanks for reading.

  • Oh, the splashing in the bath. You might as well just save yourself the effort and pour 40 gallons of water directly on the floor. Good luck!

    • When I bathe Peachy I strip down to the bare essentials just to keep my clothes dry. Sometimes she turns the entire bathroom into a walk in shower. Thanks for visiting.

  • Oh yes! That sound like a great game to play! Wait until you are a toddler your mum and dad won’t be able to catch you at all when you hide under the table! 😉 Thank you again for sharing your wonderful story on #FabFridayPost x

    • That does sound like fun. Thanks for reading.

  • Lol! My kids are both much older than you Peachy and they still love to play this game. So much that I’m normally sweating before I leave the house every morning. We play it when i try to get them dressed, come their hair, put their coat and shoes on and get out of the house. It’s exhausting! Thank you for sharing with #StayClassyMama

    • My mommy gets exhausted too chasing after me. Sometimes I get tired as well but my recovery time is so much shorter. Usually mommy is still on the floor trying to catch her breath while I’m jumping up ready for more. At least mommy is getting her daily exercise. So in a way, I’m helping. Thanks for reading.

  • It’s me popping in from #eatsleepblogRT! Hi Little Peachie Pie 🙂

  • Haha they’re so funny (& a little annoying) with their little games. My 2yo still loves to run away from me. It’s obvs the most hilarious thing ever. Thanks for linking up to #eatsleepblogrt. Hope you can join again next week.

    • It can be annoying, especially when we’re in a hurry, but it’s impossible to be upset at a baby with a case of uncontrollable giggles. Thanks for reading.

  • Ha Ha so much fun and I am sure you are going to think of lots more games for mummy as you get older. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove x

    • It is fun. Last week I found a dried up piece of cheese under the couch. Mommy saw me and I could tell by the look on her face that she was going to want my cheese. The minute mommy came at me I ran with cheese in hand. Mommy chased me for a good 10 minutes before I gave up that piece of cheese. It was great fun. Thanks for visiting.

  • Haha! The game becomes much less fun when they’re on their feet, in the supermarket, and you can’t catch them actually! Thanks so much for joining us on #FridayFrolics

    • Good times are ahead. Thanks for reading.


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