
Sweet Dreams for a Sweet Peach

Sleep has always been a priority for me. I know many babies like to stay up all night and drive their mommies and daddies crazy, but I prefer to get my sleep. I have always been a good sleeper. That’s just the way I am.

In my early days, sleep took up most of my time. Being born is hard work and let’s face facts, there aren’t that many things for a newborn to do. Now that I’m a big girl, I don’t sleep quite as much. I’m much too busy these days. There are things to discover and adventures to be had.

The other day mommy and I were going over some photos and videos from my early months. Not surprising, many of them were of me sleeping. Mommy noticed something I used to do when I slept that she forgot about. It seems unbelievable that mommy would forget since it wasn’t all that long ago.

Baby in a swing
A smaller me waking up from my nap

When I was little, every time I slept my mouth would move as if sucking milk. I did this frequently enough to allow mommy to get quite a bit of footage of me doing this. You can still catch me doing it on occasion but it’s now a rare thing. I am a big girl and my mouth isn’t just for milk anymore.

Mommy thinks my sleep sucking was very cute. When she watches the videos she wonders what was going on in my little head at the time. I say I must have been having sweet dreams. Mommy agrees and starts coming up with possible dream scenarios.

I find mommy’s stories interesting. I think mommy’s ideas are believable baby dreams. It took some work but we managed to put together a little video combining the footage of me sleep sucking, and mommy’s story.

The footage is a bit dark, but I was sleeping at the time and I always preferred to sleep with low lighting. All things considered I think it turned out pretty well. I hope you enjoyed watching it.

Mommy says she misses those days and the funny things I used to do. I remind mommy that although I am a big girl now, I am still a little peach and our journey together is only beginning. We have many things to look forward and many experiences to share. There are still plenty of videos waiting to be made.

My Favourite Linkys

0 thoughts on “Sweet Dreams for a Sweet Peach

  • This is so sweet. How lovely to have such a great record of the cute thgins she does xx #bestandworst

    • I take so many photos and videos trying to capture every moment. But of course there are so many things that I haven’t been able to record. It’s not possible to be there with camera in hand every time. Thanks for reading.

  • Aaww this is so lovely. I can relate to your Mommy, I miss the days when mine were small too. It makes me quite emotional looking back and knowing that we wont ever have that time again. Waaaah! #bestandworst

    • Parenting is such a strange thing. On the one hand, seeing my little girl growing up makes me feel like I’m doing a good job of nurturing her. On the other hand, it makes me so sad to know that her little baby days are over. Thanks for visiting.

  • Awww my daughter did this too. It is so cute and you do feel so nostalgic for how small they were. Time flies and less sleep. Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst

    • They just grow too fast, especially in those early months. It’s like they change every day. I find it hard to keep up. Thanks for reading.

  • From Day Dot

    Ah ow lovely, she’s such a cutie! #ablogginggoodtime

  • Oh she’s so beautiful and that video is very cute. I love taking photos and videos of my little ones. It surprising how quickly you forget their milestones when you begin to look back on them all. Thanks for sharing xx #coolmumclub

    • Thanks. I love capturing those moments with my camera too. So many moments to catch. Sometimes I wish I could just have the house rigged with cameras like on some sort of reality show. At least then I wouldn’t miss anything. Thanks for reading.

  • It’s so easy to forget those moments, there are just so many new ones happening all the time and with mummy brain its hard to keep up!

    • There really are a lot of moments. I try to catch as many as I can with my camera but so many are gone forever. The only thing keeping me going are the new moments coming up all the time. Thanks for reading.

  • So cute! My little one does this too, on a night where I’m not getting half as much sleep as him it’s a nicertain reminder of how much he needs me. Lovely post for a Friday 🙂 #thatfridaylinky

    • They know how to tug at those heartstrings. Their cuteness can make anything melt away. Thanks for visiting.

  • blogofdadjames

    Very cute! Well done capturing it on video! #ThatFridayLinky

    • The secret is to always have a camera pointing at them. Thanks for reading.

  • Ahhh nothing like watching a beautiful baby like you sleeping. What a gorgeous post. Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub xoxo

    • Thank you for the compliment. You’re making me blush. 🙂

  • I remember mine doing this, it’s soon cute! I used to sit and watch a lot too!! #FabFridayPost

    • Isn’t it adorable? They are so cute when they sleep.

    • It seems like there are so many little moments to remember. Some are bound to get lost. I take a lot of photos and videos too. Sort of obsessed actually.

  • Aww… Peachy is so cute! Watching her dreaming nice dreams always put your mind at peace. Lovely video.

    Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost

  • This is very cute, it’s nice that you have a record as time goes so quickly and they change so much x

  • diynige

    This so lovely and a fab keepsake as we forget so quickly really cute post Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

    • Thanks. I look through our photos and videos frequently and I’m constantly amazed by the little things I’ve forgotten. They change so gradually that we forget what they were like. Thanks for reading.

  • Awwww so sweet. My little one used to suckle in her sleep. Then she went onto sucking her thumb. It’s memories like this of them that we cherish forever isn’t it. They grow so fast. xx

    • They grow much too fast. Slow down, I haven’t etched everything in my memory yet! Thanks for visiting.

  • I miss those early days so much. They pass by so quickly and in the blink of an eye your baby is 17! #KCACOLS

    • Being a parent has really made me aware of the passing of time. It really does just fly by. Thanks for visiting.

  • Oh, that’s really cute! It’s amazing those little things that they do that you just forget about if you don’t capture it in some way. You’ve reminded me I definitely need to take more video – I take millions of photos, but rarely do video. Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    • I wish I had taken more early videos. I take a lot now that Peachy is mobile but I didn’t take as many before. Thanks for reading.

  • That is so cute. My eldest daughter used to do the same and I loved it too. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  • Isn’t it funny the little things you forget! We have lots of picture of Rory’s asleep with his arms by his head, like a little fork. Now he just sleeps like a regular human #KCACOLS

    • Peachy used to sleep that way too. Sometimes she still does but these days she usually sleeps on her side. Thanks for visiting.

  • makinghermama

    SWEET little peach. I love the video that mommy made of you 🙂 I haven’t had any kiddos that suck like that. Mine are lip bubblers. So cute!!! Thanks for sharing. #KCACOLS

  • Ow this is gorgeous and so cute. I think back to when my son was a baby and loved watching him, I still do thought now he is five and sprawls out over the bed. I love the little baby picture! Leo used to sleep sigh, such a lovely post that brings up lots of memories for me! Thank you for linking up to #KCACOLS, looking forwards to seeing you next Sunday!xx

    • Thanks. Peachy is 14 months now and uses her entire crib when she sleeps. She wiggles from one end to the other and then back again. I remember the days when I would find her exactly where I left her. Things change so quickly. Thanks for visiting.

  • Aw that’s lovely! I wish I had more videos of my babies sleeping and being babies before they got big! #KCACOLS

    • There are so many things I wish I had caught on camera. They just grow and change too fast. Thanks for reading.

  • So cute. Snappy used to do this too when he was a tiny bub. #kcacols

    • Peachy used to do it all the time but she rarely does it now. And if she does, it’s not as obvious as it was. Just a slight movement these days. They grow too fast. Thanks for reading.

  • Sleep is always good peachy – and it’s a great way to get into Mommy’s good books, worth remembering for the years ahead when you’ll need that. She’ll love you even more for sleeping on cue. And cute video, I bet there’ll be plenty more of those too, just different to this one. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

    • We have several video projects on the go. There is so much footage of Peachy being Peachy. But it takes a while to get it edited. Babies don’t perform on cue. Thanks for reading.

  • Ahh that is really cute, mine have done this too when they were younger! Thank you for linking up to #sundaybest x

  • Laura @ Dot Makes 4

    This is so cute! I wish I had taken a few photos of the children sleeping when they were babies, although that wasn’t very often!

    • Thanks 🙂 There are so many things I wish I had managed to capture but time has simply gotten away from me.

  • Aw so cute! Both my boys did that too, it was a long time ago but lovely to remember.
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo
    (Sorry for the epically late comment!)

    • Thank you. I’m so glad that we got that on camera before Peachy stopped doing it. Occasionally I still see her lips move ever so slightly while she sleeps but nothing like she did when she was really little. Thanks for visiting.


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