
Peachy’s Top 5 Books for Babies

We love books! We have an extensive library of books for babies in my room, and it grows all the time. Mommy and I try to make time for books every day. They are a lot of fun, and everyone should have a decent collection of their favorites.

Whenever Mommy holds a book, she talks a lot. I like to observe Mommy talk. I listen while I watch Mommy’s lips move. Sometimes I like to move my mouth the same way Mommy moves hers, but for some reason, no sound comes out when I do it. I can get plenty of sound out of there at other times.

Some books are mostly story with a few pictures for me to look at. Other books are mostly pictures and have very little story. I don’t mind because Mommy and I make up our own story from the pictures. Mommy points at things on the page and tells me about them. I like to point at the pictures too.

There are some books that Mommy doesn’t let me touch. Those books usually have a lot of story in them. I have to be a good girl while I sit with Mommy and listen. Other books have thick pages, and Mommy lets me play with them. I love to turn the pages like a big girl. It makes me feel like I’m helping, and I like to be helpful.

Baby girl in a Fisher Price swing
Story time?

Books are an important part of my day, and I can’t imagine being without them. For those who have not discovered a love of books yet, I have compiled a list of some of my favorites. Each of these books is great for babies for various reasons. Try out a few and see if your love of books begins to bloom.

1. Sophie La Girafe: First Words

Sophie, the charming little giraffe, stars in an entire collection of delightful toys and books. The “Sophie La Girafe” series has quickly become a favorite, and my introduction to this whimsical world was through First Words. This was my very first Sophie book, and it serves as a wonderful representation of the entire collection.

The books in this series are adorably compact and durable. Made as board books with extra-thick pages, they are perfect for tiny hands to explore. While the stories are simple, the vibrant illustrations provide a great opportunity for shared reading moments with Mommy.

The easily recognizable Sophie makes frequent appearances throughout the book. I love finding her every time Mommy flips the page. I can’t wait to continue adding more books from the “Sophie La Girafe” series to our collection.

Click here to start your own collection of Sophie books.

2. Baby Einstein: Let’s Look

Here is another great book for exploring. This oversized book comes with thick pages that I can turn all by myself, making it a joy to handle. Due to its generous size, my favorite way to explore it is by sitting on the floor next to Mommy. It makes it easier for me to enjoy with a little help.

While the book doesn’t have much of a story, the colorful illustrations are great fun to point at. It’s a look-and-find book, challenging us to spot various items on each page. Mommy points to one of the items we need to find and tells me what it’s called. Then we search for it together.

Mommy and I love searching for these items together, but we also invent our own games. Mommy likes to look for things that are similar. I like to point out things that I find too. I place my finger on the page, look at Mommy, and proudly shout, “Ba!”

Click here to get your own copy of Baby Einstein: Let’s Look

3. How the Grinch Stole Christmas

I absolutely adore all my Dr. Seuss books and am diligently working on completing my collection. The latest addition to my Seussian library was this gem. I discovered How the Grinch Stole Christmas under the Christmas tree. I am using this book to represent my entire Dr. Seuss collection.

This isn’t the kind of book I get to explore with my hands, though. Instead, I gaze at the whimsical illustrations and listen to the enchanting story while sitting with Mommy on the couch. While I generally prefer hands-on exploration and sometimes still feel tempted, the melodic flow of Dr. Seuss’s tales has a captivating effect on me, making it a truly magical experience.

Click here to start your own Dr. Seuss collection.

4. Duck & Goose

The original Duck & Goose book by Tad Hills has sparked an entire series of books for babies that I’m eagerly working on completing. Each book highlights a unique adventure for Duck and Goose to embark on. I am including the entire Duck & Goose series as part of my top 5 list.

These board books are perfectly sized for small hands, with vibrant illustrations that are a joy to explore. The stories, though simple, are charming and carry positive messages. I love that each book features the characters Duck and Goose. I enjoy being able to find them on the pages of different books.

Click here to start your own Duck & Goose collection.

5. Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit was the first book that Mommy ever read to me when I was just a newborn baby. Written by Beatrix Potter in 1902, this classic tale of a mischievous rabbit has been a favorite for generations. The beautiful watercolor illustrations bring the story to life, and I love following Peter as he explores Mr. McGregor’s garden.

My Peter Rabbit book is a part of a box set that contains 23 books about Peter and the other characters in his world. Each story can stand alone, but together they provide a glimpse into the secret lives of bunnies, hedgehogs, squirrels, mice, and other critters. Mommy and I have gone through the entire collection several times, and each time we start over, we’re swept away to a different land.

I am now big enough to look at the pictures while Mommy tells the story. The vibrant colors and detailed drawings really bring the story to life in a way that captivates my imagination. The pages are too delicate for me to turn on my own, so for this book I need to be on my best behavior.

Click here for your own Peter Rabbit book.

Books are a cherished part of our daily routine, and I simply can’t imagine life without them. Our extensive library of books for babies continues to grow, with Mommy and me making time for reading every day. These moments are filled with joy, laughter, and learning.

Whether we’re flipping through picture-heavy books or diving into stories with elaborate plots, each book offers a unique experience. Some books for babies are reserved for listening, where I sit quietly and soak in the narrative. Others are interactive, with thick pages I can turn all by myself. I am grateful for the special bond that reading together creates between my Mommy and me.

Each book in this collection has been selected for its engaging qualities, perfect for babies. Give them a try, and perhaps you’ll find your own love for books blossoming.

What are some of your favorite books for babies?

66 thoughts on “Peachy’s Top 5 Books for Babies

  • Some great recommendations! My daughter’s favourite at the moment is the Usbourne book “That’s not my penguin”. She particularly loves finding the fluffy penguin!

    • I’ve seen that book. Perhaps I’ll pick up a copy next time we’re at the store. We’re always on the lookout for new books. Thanks for visiting and the recommendation.

  • My daughter loves reading books if having them read to her. It’s such a special bonding time, though we haven’t tried any of those so will have to hunt them out 🙂 #blogstravaganza

    Helen x


    • It is a great bonding time. And for little ones like Peachy, it’s a great tool for learning words. Thanks for reading.

  • What a great post ! Fab recommendations ! I love books too !! Our fav at the mo is were going on a bear hunt #blogstravaganza xx

    • I haven`t come across that book. I`ll have to check it out. Can never have too many books. Thanks for visiting.

  • Mainy - myrealfairy

    What a lovely selection there are so beautifully written:) I nearly cried when I read the bit about Peter Rabbit and dad buying it before Peachy was born, too cute:)

    • Thanks 🙂 I had actually never heard of Peter Rabbit until my husband told me about it. We saw the books at the store while I was still pregnant. Couldn’t not buy them. I`m glad we picked them up because they really are cute stories. Now they have a Peter Rabbit show on tv and all the characters from the books are there. We just discovered it and Peachy has been getting into it. But she has so many shows that she wants to watch that I have to be selective. Can`t let the tv raise her. Thanks for reading.

  • sparkles81

    what a lovely collection of books you have! I love reading too! Have a great week #DreamandSparkle

    • They are cute stories. Thanks for visiting.

  • I love anything by Sandra Boynton or Eric Carle. The best thing about those books is that you can google the songs because they almost all have a rhythm you read them to. #EatSleepBlogRT

    • I believe that we do have a Sandra Boynton book. It never occurred to me to Google the songs. Great idea. Thanks for reading.

      • One of my kids randomly picked out a book on CD at the library once that turned out to be a bunch of Sandra Boynton songs and it was HILARIOUS. I loved it. I think it was called Frog Trouble. We listened to it in the car over and over.

  • Awww, such a lovely collection of books. Our boy has only just started to really get into reading at bedtime but it is so hard to find ones that hold his attention long enough! He’s 20 months so he can’t quite grasp stories of much length but repetitive words and numbers lose their shine after say… ooo… 20 times?lol. May have to try some of these out… especially Beatrix Potter, what’s not to love?! #dreamandsparkle

    • Peachy is just approaching 14 months. If she’s full of energy she won’t sit still either. But when she’s had a good playtime and is getting a bit tired she likes to snuggle up and listen to me read. Sometimes she changes her mind after a few minutes, and sometimes she falls asleep, but I just go with the flow. Maybe we’ll read three books in a row and maybe we’ll read just one page. If she’s had enough I stop and we continue the story later. That’s what bookmarks are for. Thanks for stopping by.

  • Accidental Hipster Mum

    These all look fab! we’ve got some Beatrix Potter actually, my daughter used to love the Peter Rabbit books. Ace!


    • We found the entire box set at a great price. I’m so glad my husband pointed it out when we saw it at the store. It has become a staple of story time. Thanks for visiting.

  • I think reading to our little ones is so important, I’m forever adding to my girls’ library. The Peter Rabbit book is my favourite out of some great ones listed there, I loved it when I was little too! Thanks so much for linking up to #Blogstravaganza, hope to see you agagin next week xx

    • I think reading is important too. I remember my mom reading to me when I was little and I used to love it. Not only did I like hearing the stories, I liked having that quiet time with my mom. I want Peachy to have those memories too which is why I started reading to her right from the beginning. She’s too little to understand but I want her to develop the habit of story time. It’s something we’ve always done so when I pull out a book she already knows what to expect. Thanks for reading.

  • There are some lovely recommendations here – we don’t have any of them in our collection yet!
    My little one loves the ‘That’s not my…’ series of books. She loves looking at and touching the sparkles or textures on each page.

    • I’ve seen those books at various stores. I’ll have to pick some up. They seem to be very popular with the little ones. Thanks for visiting.

    • Peachy loves all the Dr. Seuss books in our collection. We’re still missing quite a few and I’ve been trying to hunt them down for her. Thanks for visiting.

  • Mummy Bee

    Thank you for the recommendations I think I will need to buy some of these for my baby as I don’t have a big enough collection of books for him. #BloggerClubUK

    • I’m always buying books for Peachy. We’re running low on space. I’ll need to get her some shelves just for her books. Thanks for visiting.

  • Fab post. I have been looking for some baby book ideas for my little ones as we only have older storybooks for my eldest so will be checking out some of these. #bestandworst xx

    • Ideally I like to buy books that would transition well into older years. Most of these books would work but a few probably wouldn’t. That’s ok too. It’s good to have some just for baby. Thanks for visiting.

  • How fun! We have a huge collection, and I love to see how each child has their own favorites. My middle child loved the Sandra Boynton books, but the baby seems to enjoy Eric Carle books more. Thanks for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!

    • Those two authors seem to be quite popular with the little ones. We have one Sandra Boynton book but I haven’t read it in a while. Maybe I’ll try it again. Thanks for reading. We don’t have any Carle books. I’ll try to hunt some down. Thanks for visiting.

  • there are so many great baby books out there! I hope we have enough babies to get to read them all! #DreamandSparkle

    • I’m always buying new ones. I just can’t pass up a good book. Thanks for visiting.

  • We LOVE reading in our house and read to our daughter right from newborn. Every single day. Not an exaggeration! Long may your reading adventures continue. Lovely list of books too. #itsthelittlethingslinky

    • Thanks. We’ve been reading since Peachy was a newborn too. Maybe not every single day but most days for sure. Thanks for visiting.

  • We have a Dr Seuss alphabet book…it’s a bit nutty but really good. Another fave is Spot the Dog. Reading is just so good for them! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x

    • We have the alphabet book too. It was the first Dr Seuss book we got but Peachy was only about a month old at the time. The first one I read her when she was old enough to realize she was being read to was the Cat in the Hat and that’s the one she fell in love with. I haven’t read her the alphabet one in a while. I remember it had a nice flow to it and I think she would like that. I’ll have to pull it out and read it again. Thanks for visiting.

  • I love reading with my little girl even though she’s only 7 months. Sometimes she’s too tired to finish our bedtime story xx

    • We don’t always get though our stories either. But that’s what bookmarks are for. Thanks for visiting.

  • They all sound like lovely books and so many different things to listen to. I think little ones definitely like variety #bestandworst

    • I think so too. But Peachy also gets excited when she recognizes something. I read her a book, then let her forget about it for a while, and when I read it again she’s amazed that she knows the book. Some books are more memorable to her than others. Thanks for reading.

  • We love books too – such an important time to share with your kids. Our favourites are the ‘that’s not my….’ series we have loads of those! #eatsleepblogrt

    • So many people are recommending those books. I’ve seen them in stores but haven’t bought any. But so many people can’t be wrong. I’ll pick some up next time I spot them. Thanks for reading.

  • We read Goodnight moon so frequently (each night in bed) that I can recite it.Still 15 years later. I loved the very hungrary catapillar, we took Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see? With us when we went to the zoo so we’d match the animals in the pictures with the real ones in front of us. #KCACOLS

    • I like the idea of bringing the book to the zoo. Maybe we’ll do that when Peachy is a bit older. I’ve been meaning to pick up the caterpillar book for a while but I haven’t tracked it down yet. So many books and so little time. I think we might have Goodnight Moon. We try to switch up the books we read. I do reread them but it’s part of a bigger rotation. I think I’d go mad reading the same book every night. But then again, if that’s what it took to get Peachy to sleep, then that is what I would do. Thanks for reading.

    • Dr Seuss really knew what he was doing with that one. Such a popular book with the little ones. Thanks for reading.

  • Lovely recommendations! Our favourite when Dilan was that age was Pat The Bunny – lovely book! Thanks for linking up #itsthelittlethingslinky

    • I haven’t come across that one. I’ll check it out. Thanks for visiting.

  • I keep meaning to buy the peter rabbit books. I had them as a child and loved them. One of my friends bought Rory a soft peter rabbit book when he was first born and he loved it! In fact he still sits and looks at it now! #KCACOLS

    • They really are great stories and they are so popular that you can find Peter Rabbit books and accessories everywhere. Maybe we’ll do a Peter Rabbit theme for Peachy’s room once she’s ready to move out of the nursery. But we’ll see what she’s into then. There is still time. Thanks for reading.

  • Becky, Cuddle Fairy

    The baby einstein books are really fab! These are a great selection here. Thank you for sharing with us at #BloggerClubUK x

    • It’s one of our favourites. Thanks for visiting 🙂

  • I love reading blog posts in the child’s point of view – just so cute! My son absolutely loves books as well! We have a Duck and Goose book that he is just obsessed with, I didn’t know there were others, definitely going to look into it. Thanks for sharing <3 #KCACOLS

    • There are quite a few in the series. Some are better than others but Peachy likes them all simply because they have pictures of Duck and Goose. Thanks for visiting.

  • makinghermama

    We 💕Love💕 Books too! I even signed up with Usbourne books just to feed our addiction! I haven’t heard of duck and goose before. It looks super cute!! We love peep inside series by Usbourne and The Gruffalo (and other Julia Donaldson books). So glad my kids love books!!! #kcacols

    • I haven’t heard of the peep inside series. I’ll check those out. I’m thrilled that Peachy loves books too. I hope that continues. Thanks for visiting.

  • Great list! We love these books too 🙂 my babies have so many books they’re overflowing the shelves! #KCACOLS

    • We have that problem too. They’re taking over the house! Thanks for visiting.

  • Sophie wrote a book…wow she has gone up in the world! We love Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit the classics are the best! My sons favourites were going on a bear hunt, guess how much I love you and each peach pear plum! Some fab reads! Thank you for linking to #KCACOLS we hope to see you next Sunday x

    • I’ll look into those. Always looking for more books. Thanks for visiting.

  • I saw that Sophie book but in Welsh so I might it for Snappy. #kcacols

    • That’s cute. The Sophie brand must really be expanding. Thanks for visiting.

  • Laura @ Dot Makes 4

    What a lovely top 5! It’s hard to pick just 5 books, but at the moment some of my daughter’s favourites are the Usborne Picture books 🙂

    • It is hard to pick just 5. There were many on the list that didn’t make the cut. I don’t think I’m familiar with those books. I’ll look into that. Always searching for good baby books around here. Thanks for visiting.


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