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Airplane Photobomb • Peachy and Clementine
Featured Posts

Airplane Photobomb

My daddy is so much fun. When we play together, we pull out all the stops. Sometimes mommy doesn’t like how we play. When I feel that daddy is about to give in to mommy’s sensibilities, I shriek and giggle until daddy just can’t help himself and the fun continues.

Mommy doesn’t like it when daddy tosses me in the air, but I love it. Up I go with a shriek. Then back down again with a giggle. Sometimes daddy makes me spin around on my way up and I laugh and squeal in delight. I don’t know why mommy doesn’t like it. It’s so much fun!

Sometimes daddy and I play the upside down game. That’s when daddy makes everything go upside down unexpectedly. One moment daddy is holding me, and the next moment the world is upside down. Then things get turned right again and I’m waiting for daddy to do it again. Mommy doesn’t have as much of a problem with this game as long as we don’t play it right after I ate.

One game that mommy doesn’t mind is the airplane game. That’s when daddy flies me around the room like an airplane. I’ve been playing this game with daddy since my newborn days. Back then I couldn’t go as fast or as high and I needed daddy to support my head for me.

Now that I’m a big girl I can handle a lot more flying and I go faster and higher than ever before. I start by flying in a big circle around the room. Next I go way up high, then back down low and into a quick turn before straightening our again. Then I pick up some speed and zoom in a circle before flying into the kitchen.

Sometimes daddy and I tease mommy with our airplane game. When mommy is busy I swoop in and fly right by mommy’s face. Sometimes I get so close that my tummy will just graze mommy’s head. If mommy sees me coming she will look up at me on my approach and I give her a big grin. Then I turn at the last moment and fly away.

On occasion, daddy and I use the airplane game to get in mommy’s way. It’s only a little in the way and it’s just for fun. One time we did this when mommy was working on taking a new photo for my blog. I swooped in unexpectedly and ended up in the picture. It was a great joke to play on mommy.

Giggling baby photobomb
I can barely contain my giggles

Sometimes I play the airplane game with mommy too and we even manage to turn the tables on daddy and get in his way. Mommy’s favourite time to do so is when daddy is trying to watch TV. That’s when I fly in for a closeup before turning upward and flying over the top of daddy’s head. It’s pretty funny.

I’m quite proud of my ability to distract daddy. He can’t get mad when he sees his little peach coming straight for him with a big grin on her face. I’m rather irresistible. There is nothing on TV that come compete with me.

I’m an adventurous baby and I love games with excitement and thrills. It’s a good thing that mommy and daddy like to play with me because I sure do love to have fun. Our games always ends in giggles and family snuggles. What’s not to like about that?

January 25, 2017
January 25, 2017
Post Comment Love
January 27, 2017
Life Love and Dirty Dishes
February 2, 2017

0 thoughts on “Airplane Photobomb

  • I love this! We have some similar games in our home too… and daddy certainly scares mummy sometimes, particularly if it involves being thrown in the air! x

    • Why do daddies like to scare mommies like that? Thanks for reading.

    • Thanks. That’s what mommy tells me. Thanks for visiting.

  • I love reading things from their perspective. My boy loves the aeroplane game too #CoolMumClub #StayClassyMama

    • It’s a great game. Lots of fun! Thanks for reading.

  • Be very careful with the plane game though! Over here Mummy feels the same because one day we were playing the plane game and Daddy mistimed it! Thanks to that we are not allowed to play the plane game anymore! Your Daddy sounds far more sensible though 😉 #FridayFrolics

    • Oh no! That’s awful. Don’t tell my mommy that. Then she won’t let me have any fun at all. Thanks for reading.

    • They sure can. I don’t know what I would do without them. Thanks for visiting.

  • Hahaha, so cute! 🙂 My husband also likes to fly baby around the room like an airplane. She loves it and even has a little Supergirl costume complete with cape! My husband also likes to fly her in my way…what is it with these men? lol! #FridayFrolics

    • I love the idea of the costume! I sure hope you have that on video. Little Supergirl. Love it.

      • Not yet – but I’m trying my hand at vlogging, so that may well appear on my youtube channel at some point hehe 🙂 x

        • That would be adorable. You should definitely do that. The Adventures of Supergirl. Or maybe Superbaby.

  • Aww this is so sweet! I love how you’ve written this from the perspective of your daughter, really made me think about how my son feels when we are playing these games with him ❤️ :). Thanks so much for sharing with #stayclassymama!

    • Thanks. Each of our posts are written from Peachy’s perspective. She’s the blogging baby 😉

  • ha ha – sounds like you have daddy well and truly wound around your little finger – work it peachy, work it – for at least the next thirty years or so! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo xx

    • That’s why we babies are so cute. We’re too little to do things for ourselves so we manipulate those around us with our cuteness. Thanks for visiting.

  • This reminds me of when BP and LP were babies and they played the aeroplane game with their dad too! It would make me freak out every time! Enjoy those giggles and fun times Peach. Xx
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo
    (Sorry for the epically late comment!)

    • There are lots of games I play with daddy that make mommy freak out. That’s just the way mommies are. Thanks for visiting and welcome back.


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