
Peachy Saves Christmas

Christmas is coming! Although this is not my first Christmas, I was quite tiny last year and didn’t really get to enjoy the festivities. I was much too busy fighting my own hands to even notice that Christmas was happening all around me. I was less than a month old and fairly out of it.

This year I am alert, aware, and ready for everything that Christmas has to offer. Daddy has been battling strings of Christmas lights into submission. Mommy and I have been busy working on our list of presents we have to buy. The list appears extensive.

We have already managed to check off many items on the list but there are still some more to go and time is running out. It has come to my attention that every time we hit the mall, it is a bit more crammed with shoppers. Maybe we’re not the only ones doing the last-minute shopping.

Cute baby girl sitting in crib
I’m so excited for Christmas!

People seem to be more clumsy this time of year. In the last week my stroller has been bumped into more times than in the entire year. I don’t like it when strangers invade my personal space. I wish they would watch where they are going and give me some room.

It seems to me that it would make more sense to do all the shopping before all this madness. Mommy started the Christmas shopping months ago but she hasn’t finished yet. Mommy says there are always a few people that she has trouble shopping for. Nothing seems quite right and so we’re left battling the crowds of shoppers trying to get our list complete.

Because I’m such a good girl and a very sweet peach, I have decided to help mommy out. A little while ago I got an email from Post Pal Club asking if I would like to try out their product. Of course I jumped at the chance. Who doesn’t like free samples? Nobody, that’s who.

The Post Pal Club creates unique postcards with your face on them! All you do is provide them with a good quality photo of yourself. The photo must show your whole face and it works best if it has good lighting. Then Post Pal Club does the rest.

I received my four sample postcards and they are adorable. The postcards feature my face on cute and funny cartoon bodies. They are well thought out and sure to inspire smiles. The postcards are of good quality and printed in bright colors on cardstock paper.

When you sign up with Post Pal Club, you will receive four unique postcards every month. It’s up to you to choose four lucky people to send your cards to. Write a little message on the back, fill in the address, and show someone you care.

A Post Pal Club subscription makes a great Christmas gift or stocking stuffer. Subscribe for one month, six months, or the whole year. Post Pal Club will send the postcards anywhere in the world at no extra charge. If you’re in the US, the postcards arrive with stamps already on them. The rest of us will have to apply our own stamps.

Christmas is almost here! If you’re like my mommy and daddy, you’re in a rush to get the last bit of your shopping done. Peachy to the rescue! I’m here to save you from the crowds, the cold, the traffic, and the stress of finding that perfect gift.

This year, why not give out subscriptions to the Post Pal Club. Then sit back, relax, and enjoy the holidays. Not only is it a thoughtful and unique gift, you’re pretty much guaranteed to receive a postcard in your mailbox. It’s what mommy calls a win-win situation.

18 thoughts on “Peachy Saves Christmas

  • Aww these are cute Peachy!! Love the way they’re personalised! Thanks so much for linking up with us at #DreamTeam and Merry Second Christmas! 🙂

    • Thank you! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  • Aww what a little cutie! I hope you enjoy Christmas this year now little one is a bit bigger! #dreamteam

  • What a fab idea! & Very cute too! This will sure encourage Ethan to write to his pal afar! Thank you very much for linking up with us and your support on #FabFridayPost this year! Have a wonderful Christmas! p.s. Peachy has grown so much! & So adorable too! 🙂 xx

    • Sometimes when I look at Peachy I wonder where my baby went. She is such a big girl now. Didn’t I just bring her home from the hospital? It feels like it’s going by so fast.

      Thanks for visiting us and we hope you have a great Christmas with your wonderful family.

  • Love the little postcards. As for Christmas shopping I’ve had my fill! Merry Christmas from Coombe Mill #FabFridayPost

    • Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for dropping by.

  • Your cute Peachy! Merry Christmas to you and yours 🙂 Those postcards are adorable!

    • Our Christmas was wonderful. Hope yours was too. Thanks for visiting.

    • We had a wonderful Christmas. Hope yours was amazing too.

    • I started my shopping in the summer, but no matter how hard I try, there are always a couple of people I can’t find anything for and I end up shopping for them at the last minute. Thanks for reading.

      Peachy’s mom

  • The postcards are soooo adorable! <3 And they would make a lovely gift. I'll definitely have a look, as I'd never come across personalised postcards before.

    • They are really cute and of good quality. Thanks for visiting us.

  • Adorable! I’m sure it was a great holiday! I tried to share via twitter but couldn’t find the link. xx #globalblogging

    • I’m glad you liked it. We did have a wonderful holiday. I hope you did as well.


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