
Goodbye Old Friend

Every day I get a little bit bigger. The changes are subtle and impossible to observe from one day to the next, but those little changes have a way of adding up. Their cumulative effect can’t be ignored. The baby I am today is drastically different from the baby I was a year ago.

Back in May, I told you about my favourite pajamas. A stylish purple pajama made by Carter’s. What I didn’t tell you is that I wore this outfit on my trip home from the hospital just days after I was born. It was December and this fleece outfit helped keep me nice and warm.

I also mentioned that since mommy and I loved this outfit so much, mommy bought the very same pajamas in several sizes. That was good thinking! Sadly, I just outgrew the largest size. It’s the end of an era as I retire this adorable outfit that has served me so well for so very long.

On the very last day that I wore my favourite purple pajamas, mommy and I decided to celebrate our journey with this outfit and have a little fun. We staged a very special photo shoot. We looked back through our photos and tried to recreate some of the ones we took in the original outfit.

There were some challenges with this. It was impossible to get things looking exactly the same. I’m much bigger now and I don’t fit into the same space the same way anymore. We had to improvise the angles a little. It wasn’t easy to get the poses right but I think we did well.

At times it was a little emotional to look back at the way we were. It was also incredible to see how far we’ve come and how much I have changed. It’s been an amazing journey and that’s just the first year of my life. It’s hard to imagine what changes the coming years will bring.

Time has a strange way of pushing us forward and pulling us back all in the same moment. It keeps moving on and takes us along for the ride. Yet the more time passes, the more we have to look back on and remember what was.

The past is a part of me. It has led me to where are I and the person that I have become. When I feel that nostalgia is weighing too heavily on me, I remind myself that my journey is just beginning. There are many more adventures to be had. I take with me what has come to pass.

It is time to say goodbye to my favourite snuggly pajamas and close the book on that chapter. As I look ahead to what is on the horizon, I begin a second year and the next chapter of my life. Memories of my first year will always include being wrapped up in purple fleece. Farewell comfy pajamas. You have served me well.

January 27, 2017

0 thoughts on “Goodbye Old Friend

  • thesingleswan

    I love the pyjamas. Pen x #FabFridayPost

  • Aw so cute, there will be so many sets of clothes that start off too big and soon become too small #fabfridaypost

    • Indeed. So many clothes are now in storage. A few outfits never even got worn. Thanks for visiting.

  • Awww… what a lovely post! Peachy has grown so much! What a lovely nostalgic feelings! 🙂 <3
    Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost

    • You don’t notice how much they grow from day to day but when you compare the pictures, it really is amazing. It happens so fast. Thanks for visiting.

  • beckyhemsley

    Oh I wish I’d have done this! What a precious idea (and the pajamas are amazing!) Thank you so much for sharing on #FabFridayPost

    • It wasn’t easy to get the pictures to look similar. Peachy was so much bigger the second time around that she didn’t fit into the space the same way. Plus she’s a baby and doesn’t know what we’re trying to do. But after about 100 shots, I think it turned out ok. It was fun to do. Thanks for reading.


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