
My First Thanksgiving: The Preparation

Mommy and I have had a very busy week preparing for Thanksgiving. For those of you who may be unaware, tomorrow is Thanksgiving for us Canadians. Since this is my first Thanksgiving, I decided to do a special two-part post about my Thanksgiving experience. This first part is all about the preparation. On Tuesday I’ll tell you about the big day.

Mommy has been teaching me all about Thanksgiving. This holiday is a North American tradition celebrating the harvest. In Canada, where the climate is a bit cooler, our harvest is earlier and therefore we celebrate Thanksgiving in October. The US, having a warmer climate and later harvest, celebrates Thanksgiving in November.

This year we will be hosting Thanksgiving at our house. Daddy has been busy at work all week, so mommy and I have taken on all the early preparations by ourselves. We planned the dinner and pulled out the decorations. We went shopping for groceries which we will need for the traditional feast. We invited the guests. Today we’re busy getting the house in order, and tomorrow we will cook.

Adorable baby girl
I’m like a Thanksgiving expert now!

The traditional Thanksgiving meal includes a turkey. Tomorrow will be the first time that I get to taste one. I saw a turkey when we went shopping. They are huge! Some weigh more than me and I’m a big girl. I wonder what they tastes like. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow. What else does mommy have planned for my Thanksgiving feast?

We put up a wreath on the front door to welcome our guests and get them into the holiday spirit. Mommy tells me we have a matching scarecrow to go in the yard but so far we haven’t been able to locate it. We have a decorative turkey to go on the table which we pulled out of the attic. Finally, we have some festive pine cones that we will use to finish off our table decor.

Today mommy is busy cleaning which I’m not very fond of. Cleaning involves dust and smelly liquids which I don’t like. Mommy prefers to keep me away from cleaning activities which means I can’t participate. I don’t like to be left out. I would rather mommy pay attention to me.

Tomorrow we will cook in the kitchen and mommy lets me help with that so it should be more fun. I’m a very good helper. In the evening our guests will arrive. Everyone always wants to talk to me so that should be fun. Then we will eat and I will finally be able to sample the much-anticipated turkey. I hope turkey tastes like oatmeal. I love oatmeal!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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