
The Abandoned Blog

Anyone in the blogging community knows that bloggers tend to spend a lot more time reading than they do writing. As the blogging baby, I am no exception to this unwritten rule. Every day mommy and I spend many hours reading the words of other bloggers. We want to do our part in the community

We read to find answers to a problems we may be facing, and we read purely for enjoyment. Sometimes we read someone’s blog simply because they have been reading ours and it’s nice to reciprocate. We read to get inspired and see how other bloggers do things. We read because it makes us feel like we are part of a global community of like-minded people and we all want to feel like we belong.

During one of our searches for great reading, mommy and I came to a startling realization. The internet is full of abandoned blogs! Mommies who poured their hearts into carefully crafted words, finding they had nothing left to say once their little ones were grown. Is this the inevitable fate of The Diary of a Little Peach? Are we heading towards our own demise?

Baby pondering
What does the future hold?

When mommy and I embarked on this journey, we both knew that I wouldn’t be the blogging baby for very long. I have already outgrown 4 sets of clothing which mommy has carefully folded and put away while holding back tears. Soon I’ll be the blogging toddler with a new set of adventures to blog about.

I may not be a blogging baby forever, but I will always be mommy’s little peach. Even when I’m big with little peaches of my own. Or maybe they will have to be apricots. Will I still be blogging here by then? As much as I hope so, I know that I can’t make that guarantee. None of us know what our future holds in store for us and time has a way of changing things.

We may still have a lot of blogging ahead of us, but all journeys eventually come to an end. It is futile to long for what has passed, or fear what is to come. Although not always easy, it is smarter and healthier to live in the present.

Take a good look at the present moment and decide how you want to spend this time. You will never have this moment again so enjoy it before it becomes the yesterday that you long for. Think about what you will miss the most and go do that right now while you have the chance. I’ll have to end here as I suddenly feel the need for a snuggle with mommy.

The Pramshed
October 8, 2016
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday
October 8, 2016
Run Jump Scrap!
October 12, 2016
And then the fun began...
October 18, 2016
JENerally Informed
October 18, 2016
Cuddle Fairy
October 19, 2016

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

October 20, 2016

50 thoughts on “The Abandoned Blog

  • I love the message behind this post! I know many are afraid of choosing a topic they cannot maintain, or when things change panic or start a different one because it doesn’t meet their needs of the original. I think (especially in Mommy and Daddy blogs) is that their readers develop with them, followers see the development and they wont abandon them just because time is forcing a child to grow.

    I love this post and you are a gorgeous baby blogger!

    • Thank you. I think it’s important to know one’s worth. Even if the littles ones are grown, there is still value in the knowledge gained. And even though to parents it seems like their babies go from birth to adult in no time at all, the truth is that it takes years, and that translates to a lot of experience. I think that parent bloggers shouldn’t be afraid of their children getting older. It is only the perspective that changes. The value is still there. Thank you so much for reading and for taking the time to comment.

  • Huh, interesting blog post. I don’t have children, and have no desire to, but this post reaffirmed why I feel that way. Thanks for sharing!

    • The decision to have children is a deeply personal one. It’s certainly not for everyone and it’s not a decision to be made lightly. However, this is not the intent of my post.

      Babies grow up, things change, and this can be difficult to deal with, but make no mistake, it’s difficult because it’s wonderful. A parent can be the center of a child’s world for only a short time, but if this is the main reason for choosing to not have children you must ask yourself this question; Is it better to have loved and lost, or never to have loved at all?

      Thanks for reading.

      • For me, it’s better not have loved at all (children anyway). Anyway, thanks for responding to me. I enjoyed reading your thoughts 🙂 It is a personal decision, and I hate the thought of something ever calling me mom. However, I do enjoy reading posts from parents. A lot of times, I’ve noticed the posts state the same things.

        • Parenting isn’t for everybody. Sometimes it just isn’t in you.

          • Yes, I agree with you; I see no joy in parenting.

  • This is a good post. I’ve been thinking a bit about it recently. It’s why I called my blog This Is Me Now as I was very aware that the baby years won’t be forever and eventually I may want to write about something else. In fact I’m still finding my style and want to make sure I don’t share too much personal stuff – maybe go more down housewifey/lifestyle/cooking rather than just when my child napped or did a poonami!! Good to have met you through #fortheloveofBLOG

    • I understand where you’re coming from but I don’t want to discourage anyone from writing a parenting/baby blog. There are many factors that go into choosing a name and theme for a blog and I don’t regret the choices I’ve made. One of the points of this post is that a parenting blog doesn’t have to come to a close when the kids grow up, it just has to evolve. Whether we chose to evolve or not is a bridge we’ll cross when we get there. For now we’re just savouring the moment. That brings us to the second point of this post. Our little ones grow up so fast and it’s hard to let go of what was, but looking back can cause us to miss out on the present. Get those snuggles in while there’s still time!

      Thanks for reading.

  • Very cute and creative way to convey your message!

  • I really enjoyed reading this post! Very cute!! #KCACOLS

  • I think it’s so important to live in the moment. It’s a shame that there are so many abandoned blogs but I think every blog has the ability to grow and evolve over time. Thanks so much for sharing at #KCACOLS hope to see you back next time!

    • We can’t go back, and tomorrow may never come, so the present moment is all we’ve got. Thanks for reading.

  • #fortheloveofblog I am the person who has had several blogs and abandoned them (holds head in shame)but it lead me to whatmyfridgesays.com and I don’t plan on going anywhere for a while

    • Don’t feel bad. This isn’t my first blog either. Sometimes it just takes time to find your voice. Thanks for reading.

  • So true! My blog started about nothing in particular a decade ago. Since then it’s become about being a mummy but about other stuff too. Who knows what it will become in the future but I’ll only do it if it’s fun! Hopefully I’ll get to read about your little apricots though…but all in good time! You’ve got some walking and talking to do first! #KCACOLS

    • Your comment made us giggle. All things in good time, right?

      I think a blog should evolve with the writer. Nobody remains the same for their entire life. Why would a blog not change with the author? It’s a journey after all.

      Thanks for reading.

  • When the children grow up you can still continue to blog. It’ll just be on different topics and there must be loads of other mummy bloggers with older children still doing. Your blog is your space, and it’s writing content which is yours only, rather than trying to appeal to the audience. I hope that you continue with your blogging journey as Peach gets older. Thanks so much for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

    • I certainly hope to continue and I have no intention of giving up anytime soon. I hope this blog will evolve as my little peach gets bigger. For now we’ll just take it one day at a time. Peachy and I are just beginning our journey. She is only 10 months old. Still some time to go before she leaves the nest. There are many adventures ahead of us and many posts to write.

  • This is only my second year blogging, but when I renewed I remember being surprised by the realization that if I hadn’t, all that I had written would simply be gone from the Internet. It was a weird feeling #bestandworst

    • Strange to think that all that hard work could disappear into oblivion. I have this phobia of something going wrong and losing everything. I try to backup my work as often as I can just in case of some catastrophic malfunction. Thanks for reading.

  • Lovely words and a lovely post. It’s incredible just how big and vast the world of blogging is. You don’t think about how many lost, unused blogs there are now. That’s why i do like to vary in my posts and not post about my little 21month girl daily. Gives me some different content to focus on too I guess and another direction to go in in the far future. Who knows what the future holds for any of us, lets enjoy this moment and time now whilst it lasts 🙂
    Hope the snuggle was good!

    • All baby snuggles are great snuggles. Nothing like a snuggly baby. Except maybe a freshly bathed snuggly baby. Thanks for visiting.

  • madelinelittlejohns

    Great advice about enjoying where we are right now, and not worrying too much about what’s round the corner! x #KCACOLS

    • Thanks. That is what I was trying to convey. Savour every moment while you can. 🙂

  • I think with blogging the saying all good things come to an end does not apply . As your baby grows the blog will just grow with them 🙂

    • I sure hope you’re right. Thanks for reading.

  • Ahhh you just never know where blogging will take you do you. Thanks for linking up #bestandworst

  • Soooo true Little Peach =) Keep on adventuring so you have things to store away for a writing day! Visiting from Happy Now Link Up =)

    • There is still a lifetime of adventures ahead. Every day is something new. Thanks for reading.

  • Blogging really is an evolving journey just like parenthood I guess. We blog about our experiences and our experiences will inevitably change as our children grow up. Personally I blog about all sorts of non-child related ponderings as well even though I call myself a ‘parenting & lifestyle’ blogger so I feel it is just an outlet for me to write and because it is not monetised and not trying to climb up the Tots rankings or anything like that it doesn’t really matter to me to stay ‘within niche’. It does seem sad that people abandon their blogs but some people really did need to just have that outlet for a season and then move on. Thanks so much for discovering #thetruthabout Peachy – I hope you return! Xx

    • That’s very true. I find that is even more true with people who had something traumatic happen in their lives. They build this blogging community and it helps them heal. Then they move on to other projects. I guess that’s understandable. Thanks for visiting.

  • Victoria Welton

    I started my blog sharing bits and pieces about my daughter – but I also write a multitude of other things too, and I think I always will. I think rather than ending, my blog has evolved. I hope you find a way 🙂 #TheTruthAbout

    • I think that’s the best way to go. Allow the blog to evolve naturally. Thanks for reading.

  • this is really interesting. I have never really given much thought to my blog dying a death or indeed what I would do with it once it is no longer my little hobby. I think I would take it down. We need a graveyard for all of these blogs. At the moment they are just drifting in the wilderness. Pen x #KCACOLS

    • Great content is timeless. If you do decide to give up your blog, you may still get traffic on it even if you don’t add new content. But let’s hope it never comes to that 🙂 Thanks for reading.

  • messesandmemories1

    I recently started blogging and I appreciate the message behind this post. Life is a journey and to truly enjoy each part of it (parenting, career, marriage, etc) we must stay in the moment. Thanks for sharing.

    • We must savour every minute before it becomes a memory. Thanks for reading.

  • All depends what you want to do with your blog I guess. For me, it is now a job so I can’t abandon it! Love the fatc you read so many blogs. #TruthAbout

    • Thanks. I try to read some every day. It’s a lot of work but sometimes those blogs inspire me. Thanks for reading.

  • I can’t imagine not being a mum and not blogging about motherhood and I can only hope and be excited for a future of blogging from a different perspective of a grandmother 🙂 #blogginggoodtime #happynowlinkup #KCACOSL

    • I agree. It would also be great if Peachy wanted to blog about her parenting journey when the time comes. But she is her own person and will make her own choices in life. We still have a way to go before we can cross that bridge. Thanks for reading.

  • playdatesparties

    I’ve seen so many blogs die over the years, and it always makes me sad. It’s especially hard when it was someone you grew to consider a blogging friend. But this blogging thing is harder than a lot of people thing. It can take up all of your time, and some people find out that it’s just too much. But like another commenter said, your blog tends to grow with you, and it’s not uncommon to find blog friends that are in the same stage of life as you so you grow together. Thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!

    • Blogging really does take a lot of time and time management skills. But it’s worth it. We are eager to see where this blogging journey will take us. Thanks for visiting.


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