
You Deserve a Thank You!

This week, I achieved one of the mini goals that I set for myself on this blogging journey. I reached 100 Twitter followers! I am so excited I just had to share the news. It may not be a big accomplishment, but I’m not that big either, so it’s huge to me.

My success wouldn’t be possible without all of you. I’m using this as an opportunity to thank all the people who make time to read my blog. I want to show my appreciation for the blogging community who has been so supportive and wonderful. A big thank you goes out to everyone who takes time to comment on my posts, or press that like button. And of course this post wouldn’t exist without all the great people engaging on social media. Thank you to everyone who has made my blogging experience so rewarding!

Let’s celebrate my 100 Twitter followers, the wonderful blogging community, and all the people who make time to read our words, with a party. It’s going to be #APeachyParty! I will be hosting my very first Twitter party on Wednesday, September 7th. The party starts at 5pm Eastern Time, or 9 pm Standard Time.

Twitter party invitation
I’m having a party, and you’re all invited!

I have all sorts of fun stuff planned for the party, so please do come and join us. There will be lots to do, and some surprises too. I hope to see you there!

Thank you all for all your support and kind words. You make blogging worth it.


Dear Bear and Beany
September 3, 2016

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

September 3, 2016

September 3, 2016
September 3, 2016
Post Comment Love
September 3, 2016
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday
September 3, 2016
The Pramshed
September 3, 2016

0 thoughts on “You Deserve a Thank You!

  • Fun! I actually just created an account on Twitter for my blog a few days ago so I’ll try to make the party! My two month old may have other plans at that time (lol) but I’ll try to talk her into attending with me. 😉 Congrats on reaching that goal, by the way! I’m off to follow now!

    • I would love it if you both could make it. I know how two month old babies can be. I’m amazed that you manage to blog. Peachy didn’t let me blog until she was 4 months old. I wanted to start as soon as she was born but Peachy wouldn’t hear of it. I didn’t have a Twitter account until I started this blog, so it’s been a learning experience. But it is great for promoting my work and reaching out to the blogging community. I’m sure you’ll find it helpful. Best of luck to you!

      • Well, she naps really well in the morning so that’s when I blog on my laptop. In the afternoon and/or evening I sometimes read others’ blogs on my phone while nursing. 🙂 When she sleeps less and becomes mobile, my ability to blog will surely be lessened!!

        • You never know how it will go. I am finding that as Peachy gets older I have more time to do my own thing as she is better able to entertain herself. She is turning into a very independent baby! As long as she can see me, she is quite content sitting on the floor and playing with her toys. But she isn’t mobile yet and that might change things. We’ll have to wait and see on that one.

    • Thanks! You just got started with Twitter and it looks like you are well on your way! You’ll be at 100 in no time at all.

  • Congrats!!! First of all each #win is a win so enjoy each one as they come 🙂 It shows your hard work is paying off. I have never done a twitter party, enjoy! #KCACOLS

    • You’re absolutely right. Each victory is worth celebrating, no matter how small. Thanks for the comment.

  • Huge well done on your first 100 followers. Hope the party is super fun and a big success for you! #sharingthebloglove

    • Thank you. And thank you for reading and commenting.

  • diynige

    Well done it’s a long journey blogging but I’m sure you will get there Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky come back next week please

    • It’s a journey indeed. Thanks for reading.

  • It’s great to celebrate all achievements, however large or small. Your peachy party sounds intriguing! Hope it’s a blast. Thanks for linking up #FabFridayPost I’m off to follow you on Twitter now!

    • Thanks! I’m putting a lot of work into it, so I really hope it turns out well. Thanks for reading.

    • Thanks! I’ve been working very hard to pull it all together but I’m sure it will be worth the effort.

  • Kirsty - Motherhoodery

    Aah congratulations! I’m a new blogger and love to celebrate every milestone. It gives me a real boost to know people are reading work/comments by little old me. Here’s to another 100 followers. x

    • Celebrating the milestones reminds you that you’re making progress. Sometimes it’s hard to lose track of how far we’ve come. Thanks for reading.

  • Oooooo I do love a good party! I will be there! I will make sure I set myself an alarm 🙂 Well done it is hard work and a long journey! I started about 8 weeks ago and sometimes it feels like you’re going nowhere but the best thing is to get involved with as much is possible 🙂 see you at the party! #fabfridaypost

    • Thanks! It is a journey indeed. Getting involved is a lot of work but it also makes it more fun. The community is what makes it special. I’ll see you at the party!

  • Congratulations! The first 100 are definitely the hardest I found, after that it was all much easier! Best of luck with the party! Thanks so much for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    • Thanks. It was a lot of hard work. I hope you’re right and that it’s going to get easier from here on.

    • It did go fairly well. It was a lot of work but luckily we were well prepared and could set up a lot of it to run automatically. Technology is a wonderful thing. It was certainly a learning experience and the next party will be even better. Thanks for visiting.

  • Well done for reaching 100 Twitter followers, it’s onwards and upwards from here! Keep going, you’ll get to 1000 in no time. All the best for Twitter party and thanks for linking up with us at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

    • Thank you. The party was great fun. I can’t wait for the next one. I’m already getting lots of ideas on how to make the next one even better. Thanks for visiting.

  • Ahhh well done you. I do hope the twitter party went well. Sorry I am toon late. Thanks for linking with #KCACOLS. We hope you come back next week.

    • Thank you. It did go well and I learned a lot from it. I can’t wait for the next one!

  • Congratulations! & such a great idea to celebrate with a twitter party! I haven’t tried one yet, but really should! #KCACOLS

    • Thank you. You should try it. It was great fun.

  • Morgan Prince

    Well done! I’m sorry I missed the party!
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo xx


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