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4 Steps to Better Tummy Time

If you’re a parent, you probably know that tummy time is important. It’s good exercise that strengthens neck muscles and builds up core strength. If you’re a baby, you know that tummy time is hard work. It’s not easy for a little baby to lift their head off the floor, which means tummy time is little more than a pancake impersonation.

Tummy time is essential for babies as it promotes motor development and helps prevent positional plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome). According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), supervised time on their tummy several times a day strengthens babies’ neck, back, and arm muscles, which are crucial for rolling, crawling, and overall physical development.

I have always been upfront about my dislike of tummy time. In my early days, I used to hate it so much that being on my tummy would induce screams of fury. Now I find it only mildly irritating.

Granted, I’m much stronger now, and it isn’t as difficult for me anymore, but it’s also thanks to the 4-step plan Mommy devised to get me where I am today. Maybe it will help your baby too.

Baby doing tummy time
Look at me go!

1. Don’t Like Tummy Time? Don’t Do Tummy Time!

Everyone is always talking about the importance of tummy time, but nobody tells you about the alternatives. There are other ways to get the benefits without lying face down on the floor. One thing you can do is to simply hold your baby upright while supporting their head.

The easiest way to do this is by holding the baby close to your body in an upright position. Even tiny babies are capable of lifting their heads. They just have poor control over that melon. So make sure your hand is there to support the head, making sure it doesn’t flop around uncontrollably.

Once your little one gains some strength, tummy time will become easier for them. Then you’ll have a better time trying to convince them that it is not some cruel joke at their expense. It’s a much better strategy when compared to leaving your baby to scream on the floor while they build up further resentment towards the whole exercise.

2. Tummy to Tummy Time

Tummy time doesn’t have to happen flat on the ground from the first day. Introduce your little one to the activity in incremental stages. If you search the internet, you will find ample advice from people regarding all sorts of devices you can use to help your baby be more comfortable working those muscles. Pay no attention to any of that just yet. In the early days, you are the best device.

Sit up with your baby’s belly pressed to your chest. This is the same position the two of you would be in for the holding your baby upright exercise. When you feel your baby is ready, try reclining just a little bit to get your baby used to the idea.

You should be able to lie on your back with your baby on your chest, performing tummy time, within a couple of weeks. Look at that! You’re doing tummy time with minimal fussing!

3. Helpful Aids

When your baby accepts tummy time on top of you, it’s time to move on to the next step. This stage is hard for many babies. Not only is it hard work, but it also requires that you put your baby down, and we babies don’t always like that. This is where some of those helpful devices might assist your baby in making the transition.

Some people use pillows or rolled-up sheets. Other people put their babies on top of large exercise balls. I preferred my nursing pillow to prop me up in the chest and armpit area.

Tummy time with the use of a nursing pillow.
Here I am with my nursing pillow.

In the beginning, Mommy would prop up the pillow even higher so that I was almost kneeling inside it. Then we gradually began to lower the pillow until it was on the ground and I could reach the floor in front of me with the palms of my hands.

Tummy time goes more smoothly if the hands are placed flat on the ground on either side of the head, instead of splayed out to the sides. If your baby hasn’t figured that out yet, help them out by gently putting their hands in the right position. Keep practicing until the arms no longer sprawl out. Your little one should be using their hands to lift themselves up before you move on to the next step.

4. Next Level Tummy Time

Once your baby is accepting of the propped-up tummy time and is using their hands to push up their upper body, it’s time to graduate to the true tummy time position. This will mean that your baby will be face down, flat on the ground, and will have to work hard to lift up that melon and upper body. This is where many babies give up, and it’s up to you to invent some motivation.

You were probably already using distractions to help your baby cope with the first 3 steps. Now is the time to pull out all the stops and take it to the next level. If you expect your baby to work hard, you should be willing to put forth at least the same amount of effort.

Get down low to help your little one see you. Pull out all of the favorite toys. Talk, sing, and make funny faces. Do whatever it takes to keep your baby engaged and motivated to keep trying. Be patient and encouraging, offering plenty of praise and support along the way.

For me, Mommy’s makeup mirror has always served as an inspiration. The baby in the mirror was the best motivation. That has always done it for me. Find what works for your baby and do lots of that.

Tummy time with a mirror
That baby is doing tummy time too!

I hope these steps help your little one become more accepting of tummy time. The first few attempts might not last very long before your baby starts fussing or crying. Try to be encouraging without being demanding and let your baby set the pace. Stop as soon as your baby gets distressed. You can always try again later. Your little one might never love tummy time, and that’s ok. Aim for improvement, not perfection.

I hope these steps help your little one become more accepting of tummy time. The first few attempts might not last very long before your baby starts fussing or crying. Try to be encouraging without being demanding and let your baby set the pace.

It may seem simple to you, but it’s physically demanding work for your little one. Stop as soon as your baby gets distressed. You can always try again later. Asking for too much will only make your baby dislike tummy time even more.

Your little one might never love tummy time, and that’s ok. Aim for improvement, not perfection.

This post comes with a YouTube video.

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20 thoughts on “4 Steps to Better Tummy Time

  • My son is 10 and has disabilities. He had spinal surgery in November 2014 and it took a year to get him back on the floor on his tummy. I use a lot of these tricks with him now to get him to push himself up onto his knees and to stretch and move. Trying to climb on Mummy is always a favourite activity! Exhausting for me but worth it.

    • Spinal health is a serious matter. I’m happy to hear that your son is on his way to recovery. Wishing both of you all the best. Thanks for reading.

  • My daughter absolutely hated tummy time! The only way was to let her lie on someone like in #2. She had good head control but low body muscle tone so I think it just took her a bit longer to feel comfortable. x #pocolo

    • I think Peachy hates tummy time because we didn’t get her used to it from the start. But they’re so small and they look so vulnerable in the beginning. She looked so sad laying there face down on the floor. So we didn’t really push for it until she was a month or two old. By then she had realized that she has this thing called preferences and tummy time didn’t make the list.

      Thanks for reading.

  • Such a great post, I was rubbish at tummy time and worried so much about not doing it right and never doing it for long enough but in the end, Mia was absolutely fine and I didn’t need to worry at all! As first time parents, we worry so much that we are doing the wrong thing all the time! 🙂


    • I agree! But part of the problem is that everyone is always telling us how important it is to do this and that. It’s impossible to follow all the advice. In the beginning I was so worried about our tummy time issues. People said to force Peachy to do it and just let her cry it out. I tried that once. After 20 minutes we were both crying and I promised that I would never do anything like that again. Sometimes we just have to step back, take a deep breath, and ask the question “will this work for us?” and “is it worth it?”. Instead of forcing her, I decided to just take it step by step and see how it goes. It took months to actually get to true tummy time but it was so much better for both of us.

  • Twinmumanddad (@Twinmumanddad)

    I remember doing tummy time with my twins when they were babies. They didn’t like it much, but I tried to ‘mix it up a bit’ using various toys and things! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

    • Peachy has a mountain of toys that we chose from to keep tummy time on track. Anything to get the job done.

      Thanks for dropping by 🙂

  • Great tips and advice Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky come back next week please

    • Thank you. I’ve been having fun with the linky and do hope to join in again.

  • Cute pictures – and I’m sure many other babies would do well to read this 🙂 Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo

    • Thank you. I hope someone finds it helpful.

  • Morgan Prince

    What a great list of tips! I’m sure this will help many new mums give their babies useful tummy time.
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo (sorry for the late comment).

    • Thanks! And thank you for hosting the linky. It’s been fun participating.

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