
Jump Jump Time

I’m anxiously looking forward to the day when I’ll be able to get from one place to another on my own steam. Big people take mobility for granted. You can’t imagine how frustrating it is when your toy rolls away just beyond reach. Your only option is to wait for someone to take notice and retrieve your toy for you. It’s not a very efficient system.

If I was mobile, I wouldn’t have to rely on other people all the time. I could play with any toy I want whenever I felt like it. I would be able to explore and have adventures any time I’m in the mood. There would be nothing holding me back. How do I speed up the acquisition of this new skill?

Mommy says that if I want to be mobile, I need to exercise. She tells me that I need to strengthen my muscles, practice coordination, and gain greater control of my body. To help me with these skills, mommy bought me my very own exercise machine. I sure hope it works!

After doing all sorts of research, mommy decided on the Evenflo ExerSaucer Jump and Learn. Mine is the Safari Friends version. At first I was skeptical since I’m not really a fan of exercise. After a quick look around, I was intrigued. Now I enjoy working out. I didn’t know that exercise could be this much fun.

Baby using the Evenflo ExerSaucer Jump and Learn Safari Friends.
Exercise in progress

Mommy chose to go with the ExerSaucer because it offers all the same benefits of other jumpers but at a lower price. It has the swivel seat and the jump feature is smooth and springy, which makes it easy for me to get it going. There are lots of toys around the seat for me to look at and explore, and even more toys hanging overhead that I can reach for.

Each of the Jump and Learn activity jumpers comes with different toys. The toys are interchangeable and can be ordered separately on the Evenflo website. When mommy saw how much fun I was having, she ordered all sorts of new toys for me. Now, every time I get into my ExerSaucer, there is something different waiting to be discovered.

I love my new exercise machine, but exercise is still hard work. The ExerSaucer keeps me so busy that I sometimes forget to pay attention to my energy level. One moment I’m having fun, and the next I’m completely exhausted and in desperate need of a break. But mommy is always nearby and ready to come to my rescue.

Mommy never leaves me unattended in my ExerSaucer and she knows what my fussing means. Every time I say I’ve had enough, mommy takes me out promptly and lets me rest. I don’t have any resentment towards my jumper and I don’t hate exercise because I know I can stop whenever I want.

If you’re looking for an activity jumper at a fair price, the Evenflo ExerSaucer Jump and Learn is a good purchase. I’m very happy with mine and I’m sure you would be happy with one too. Time to do some stretching and do my morning workout. Happy exercising.

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