23 Activities for Newborns
Welcome to the world of parenting! Congratulations on bringing home your newborn baby. As you embark on this incredible journey, you’re probably eager to dive into fun and engaging activities for newborns. However, you might notice that your baby isn’t showing much interest in the toys and activities you’ve planned.
Don’t worry—this is perfectly normal. Newborns are still getting used to their new environment and are not yet capable of interactive play. Most newborns just need time to adjust. Patience is key.
Newborn babies just entered an unfamiliar world and are still figuring out how to use their limbs. In many ways, they are trapped in their little bodies, but with time and the right activities for newborns, they’ll begin to explore and interact with their surroundings.
Remember, every baby is different, and not all activities will capture every newborn’s interest right away. Be patient and continue to offer loving, gentle interactions.

The Basics of Activities for Newborns
When you’re brand new, anything can be interesting. The sound of a rattle, the feel of a soft blanket, the sight of a colorful mobile—all of these simple things can captivate a newborn’s attention. Activities for newborns include exploring these sensory experiences. Remember, every moment is a chance for your baby to learn and grow, so be patient and enjoy the journey together.
1. Hold the Baby
It may not seem that entertaining to you, but just being held can be fun for a newborn. The baby can feel your warm skin and smell your scent. When you talk, they hear your voice.
When you stand, they can look around at the world from a different vantage point. If you move around, they feel the rocking motion of your body. Not only is it stimulating to their senses, it is also good social time with you and anyone around you.
2. Talk to the Baby
How to entertain a newborn? Stimulate the sense of hearing along with social skills by talking to your baby often. Narrate everyday activities but also set aside some talking time. Position your baby so that they can see your lips, look them in the eyes, and talk about anything that’s on your mind.
3. Rock the Baby
Babies like to be in motion. For nine months they floated in liquid inside a moving body. Babies find motion soothing. Hold the baby in your arms and rock them side to side and up and down. Make sure you’re providing good support and aren’t being too vigorous. Newborns are fragile.
4. Face-to-Face Time
Studies show that babies love to look at faces more than anything else. They especially like it if that face is looking back at them. Set aside time to simply look at your baby, make eye contact, and tell them how wonderful they are.
Help your baby look back at you. Newborn babies are nearsighted. Keep your face about 10 inches away from your baby so that they can see you. Talking to your baby and making eye contact not only provides comfort and security but also helps in their cognitive development. So take the time to engage in face-to-face time with your little one, and watch as they respond with wonder and curiosity.
5. Kiss and Snuggle
Kissing and snuggling your baby not only strengthens the bond between you two but also helps in their emotional development. The physical touch and warmth from these moments provide a sense of security and love for your baby. So don’t hesitate to shower them with kisses and snuggles whenever you can.

Getting Creative
Now that we have covered the basic interactions that a newborn baby might find enjoyable, it’s time to start thinking outside of the box. Get creative with how you interact with your baby. Activities for newborns can include anything from exploring different textures to introducing new sounds and sights. Babies love new experiences and will enjoy the variety of interactions. Try different ways of engaging with your baby to see what they respond to best. The possibilities are endless, so have fun and enjoy this special bonding time with your little one.
6. Make Faces
Faces fascinate newborn babies. You may find that your little one stares at your face intently. At such moments, feel free to make yourself even more entertaining by making your face animated.
Stick out your tongue and wait for the baby to notice. Then suck your tongue back in. Wiggle your eyebrows. Puff out your cheeks. It doesn’t matter what you do. Just make sure you go slow so that your brand-new baby has time to focus their eyes on what you’re doing.
7. Read a Story
If you run out of things to talk about, sit down with a book and read your baby a story. Since your baby doesn’t know what you’re saying yet, it doesn’t even matter what kind of book it is. It could even be a newspaper or magazine. All that matters is that there are words you can read out loud.
8. Play Music
When your voice needs a break, play music for some variety. Your newborn baby will love the new sounds. Try different kinds of music. You can play the radio, turn on the TV, or use one of the many baby items that play music. Although a newborn may not have preferences, you might be surprised at how quickly they can decide what they like and don’t like.
9. Sing
Babies like music and the sound of your voice, so why not combine them? Singing is a great way to entertain a newborn baby while engaging the sense of hearing. You don’t even have to be any good at it. Your baby won’t mind.
10. Dance
We recommend that you dance for and with your baby to cover all your bases. When dancing for a newborn baby, make sure you keep close so that your little one can see you. Brand new eyes can’t see very far.
When dancing with your baby, hold that little person securely, then bob, weave, and twirl around the room. Most babies like movement, and dancing provides some nice variety to your regular walking. It’s a great way to bond with your baby and introduce them to the joy of music and movement.
11. Tickle the Baby
Stimulate your baby’s sense of touch by searching for their tickly spots. Run your fingers over their tummies, backs, arms, legs, hands, feet, and face. Watch for any response.
Found a spot that needs further investigation? Time to blow raspberries! Check for new tickly spots often by going over the entire little person again.
12. Give the Baby a Massage
Babies spend the first 9 months in a confined space. They are used to keeping their extremities tight to their bodies. In a way, they are curled up like a flower bud, and they remain that way for a while after birth.
Help your baby bloom by giving them a gentle infant massage. There are many great infant massage videos available to help you get started. Remember to go slow, be gentle, never force anything, and stop if your baby doesn’t like it.

Taking a Look Around
Now that you have thoroughly investigated every inch of your baby, and they got a chance to know you a little, it’s time to take a look at what else we can do. Begin introducing your little one to their world through various activities for newborns. Taking them on a sensory journey is not only fun for your baby but also crucial for their cognitive and sensory development.
13. Give Baby a Tour
Since your baby likes to be in motion, why not take the time to give them a tour of the house? Take a walk around your home and talk to them about the different rooms, what they are used for, and the items in them. Your baby won’t understand what you’re saying or be able to see everything you’re showing them, but that’s ok. It just means you can repeat the tour many times, and it will still be fascinating to your little one.
14. Outdoor Adventures
You may be inclined to keep your baby safely cooped up inside your home, but the outdoors is a great place for a baby to try out their senses. It may not be a great idea to take a baby to crowded places before having their vaccines, but there is no harm in going for a walk around the neighborhood. Make sure you mind the weather and dress the baby accordingly. Take your stroller, or wear the baby in a carrier if you prefer. Then head out and explore!
15. Go on a Tour of the Closet
Take your newborn on a tour of your closet. It’s packed full of colors and textures for a baby to explore. Get in there and engage the senses!
16. Let Baby Touch and Feel
Newborn babies don’t reach out their hands to touch things, but they generally will close their hands on anything that comes into contact with them. Let babies experience new sensations by allowing them to touch various household things of different textures.
Make sure anything you give the baby is safe for them to have. Be prepared for the object you give them to be thrown. Keep in mind that there will come a time when anything you put in their hands will go into their mouth.
17. Toys are Always Fun
There are many things around your home and neighborhood that your baby can look at. To round off the list of things to stimulate a baby’s senses, we can’t omit baby toys, mobiles, and play gyms. Although a newborn won’t actively play with toys yet, they will look at them.
Hang colorful mobiles where your baby sleeps. Provide play gyms with removable toys that you can swap for new ones. Have playtime with your baby and show them how toys work.
Bring rattles and other age-appropriate toys up to their hands. They will drop them, and that’s fine. Keep trying, and one day they will surprise you with new skills.

Advanced Activities for Newborns
Now that you’re a pro, it’s time to expand your little one’s world. Introduce new items to your baby and watch their curiosity spark through various activities for newborns. As your newborn grows, continue to explore new ways to stimulate their senses and promote development. Enjoy watching your baby’s progress and celebrate each new milestone together.
18. Make Some Noise
Babies are born with a pretty good sense of hearing. Stimulate that sense by making a variety of interesting noises. Not too loud! We don’t want to frighten the baby. Shake a rattle. Crumple some paper or foil. Ring a bell.
Don’t have anything lying around? Your face can make some interesting sounds too. Be creative. Encourage the baby to turn their head towards the noise, and if they do, reward their curiosity by allowing them to see what’s making that sound.
19. Do Vision Exercises
Newborn babies don’t see very well. Little babies can see high-contrast images most easily and respond best to white, black, and red. You can find and print pictures made specifically for newborns. Or enter your email below, and we’ll send you a free PDF with some baby-friendly, high-contrast images you can print at home.
Hold the images about a foot away from the baby’s face. Try moving the image left to right. At first, move very slowly and only a few inches. It takes time to develop the ability to focus both eyes on one object and track that object while it’s in motion.
20. Mirror Time
Spend some time holding the baby in front of a mirror. A newborn may not see themselves at first, but sooner or later they will discover the baby in the mirror. Until then, a mirror is an animated image full of wonder.
21. Imitate the Baby
While you’re having social time with your little one, imitate their facial expressions. Your baby might realize what you are doing, in which case you are teaching the basics of a back-and-forth conversation. If your baby doesn’t clue in, your funny faces will still be entertaining.
22. The Eye Contact Game
Hold your baby comfortably in front of you with your face about a foot from the baby’s face. Look at your baby’s eyes and wait until the baby makes eye contact. Now that you know your baby is watching you, stick out your tongue, make a sound, move your head, or make a face.
Watch for a reaction. If the baby looks away, start over. If nothing happens but the baby continues watching, do a different sound, face, or movement. If the baby tries to mimic you, do the same thing again.
23. Play Peekaboo
A newborn won’t understand the peekaboo game. In fact, newborn babies believe that if something leaves their field of vision, it falls off the face of the earth and ceases to exist. But you can play a modified version of peek-a-boo that will stimulate baby’s sense of touch and sight.
Use a light and soft cloth for this. Gently wave it in the air above your baby and let it settle over them, covering the baby’s face. Then pull the cloth off along their body. Your baby will feel the cloth slide on their skin and be amazed that you, and the world, have reappeared from oblivion.

Engaging in activities for newborns is a wonderful way to bond with your baby and support their development. From simple interactions like holding and talking to more creative play and exploration, every activity helps your little one learn and grow. Remember to be patient and enjoy each moment, as these early days are a special time for both you and your newborn.
Which of these activities for newborns are you most excited to try with your baby?
My newborn used to adore music and mirror time. All great ideas though. #bloggerClubUk
I just love how trying out different things with a new baby helps them discover their own preferences while revealing their unique personality. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Lots of great ideas here. I have an 11 week old who loves these ideas.
Thanks. Isn’t it fun to play and interact with that brand new little person? Enjoy this special time.
Having a newborn myself. I loved reading this post and using your post like a tick list. Thanks for sharing with #BloggerClubUK
I’m glad you liked it! Enjoy your brand new baby.
Wow loads of fab tips. With my second girlie on the way I need to remember all of these thins or bookmark the page. I used to love making silly faces in front of my daughter!! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
Thanks! Those early days are so precious and they go by so fast. At least they did for me. Best of luck with your little one. She’ll be in your arms in no time.