Tummy Time Troubles
I hate tummy time. I always have, and I probably always will. I don’t understand why anyone would choose to be on their tummy. It’s so much work to keep my head up that way. If I don’t hold my head up, then I end up face down. Why anyone would choose to struggle when they could be comfortable is beyond me.
Mommy insists that I at least try tummy time once in a while. If mommy had it her way, I would be on my tummy every day, but I refuse. I do it for mommy once in a while but every day is just too much. A baby has to draw the line somewhere.
According to mommy, tummy time is good exercise. What do I need exercise for? Exercise is just effort without return. Mommy believes that exercise will help me keep my head up longer. I think mommy is mistaken. Tummy time just makes me tired and then I can barely hold my head up at all.
Mommy says I need some tummy time to even out the flat spot on the back of my head. What flat spot? I don’t see any flat spot. My head feels perfectly round to me. I suspect Mommy is making it up to trick me into more tummy time.
Just to make mommy happy, I give tummy time a try every now and then. I push up on my arms a little and struggle to keep my head up. I’ll give mommy credit for trying to entertain me while I work. It does seem to make time pass faster. But eventually I get tired and mommy always wants more. That’s when I stop trying and cry loudly. That always gets mommy to pick me up, or at least turn me over.
Last week I was in mommy and daddy’s bed while mommy was getting ready for the day. I turned my head and tried to grab something I thought I saw on the blanket. It was a little out of reach and I had to kick my feet hard to get at it. Suddenly, the world went all topsy-turvy and somehow I ended up on my tummy.
I must admit, it took me a moment to realize what had happened. As soon as I figured it out, I tried to make things right again. I kicked and wiggled but all my efforts only made things worse. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get onto my back again.
I noticed that mommy was watching me. That’s when I figured out what must have happened. The only explanation is that somehow, mommy managed to trick me into tummy time again. I don’t know how she did it from across the room, but mommy can be very crafty when she wants to be.
I started screaming to let her know how upset I was, and mommy rushed over and got me comfortable again. I should have been furious with mommy for tricking me, but I can’t stay mad at mommy for very long. She did save me in the end. Besides, I’m pretty sure mommy learned that I can’t be tricked so easily and she won’t do that again.
I could not refrain from commenting. Very
well written!
Thank you. 🙂
Oh darling baby, there’s no end of trickery coming your way!! Thanks for linking to #Chucklemums 🙂 x
Peachy has no tolerance for trickery. Her outrage is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. How does she fit so much rage into such a small body? Thanks for reading.
Aren’t they the cutest !! This is such a fun time! Mine all hated tummy time as well! xx #chucklemums
Hatred of tummy time seems to be a common trend 🙂
Thanks for reading.
I’ve never done an ounce of tummytime with either of mine and they both turned out relatively normal – one was walking by 10m so I call bullsh!t on the whole thing! haha! #chucklemums
Walking at 10 months? Wow. Peachy hasn’t figured out crawling yet and she is almost 9 months. She can turn in a circle and go backwards, but forwards is still puzzling. She can stand on her feet but needs support and she hasn’t attempted to take a single step yet. Thanks for visiting.
Pingback: 4 Steps to Better Tummy Time • Peachy and Clementine