
What’s a Bob Barker?

The Price is Right Logo

I like to watch TV and one of my favourite shows is The Price is Right. I love the colours, the excitement, and the sound effects. The Price is Right has it all. It even has a big wheel that makes a bloop, bloop, bloop sound. Such fun!

Mommy tells me that she has been watching The Price is Right since she was a little girl. That’s a long time! Mommy says the show has gone through some changes over the years. The biggest change has been the retirement of Bob Barker. I don’t know what a Bob Barker is, but mommy tells me that Drew Carey has replaced Bob Barker.

Drew CareyBob Barker

Mommy says she liked Bob Barker better than Drew Carey because Bob was a polished and refined host. Drew looks uncomfortable, often seems rushed, and pays more attention to the cameras than the people in front of him. Mommy thinks Drew Carey is not a good fit for the show.

What do you think?

As for me, I don’t mind Drew Carey. I don’t notice the things Mommy does. I just like the colours, lights, and sounds. For now, that’s more than enough to keep me happy.

One thought on “What’s a Bob Barker?

  • Anonymous

    awwww that’s so nostalgic


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